Ambient Weather F007TH

Hello everyone
I have received last week a lilygo ttgo supporting 433mhz.
installed OMG 1.5 with lilygo-rtl_433 binaries
the ‘upload’ from the web was always failing
but the esp32 “flash_download_tools” did the job in 3 minutes
Works super fine, love it. great job guys !
10 min ago, the OTA update was applied, now 1.5.1 is running, very cool.
but, there’s always a but…
I’d like to collect data from my 433mhz device seen as an " Ambient Weather F007TH" according to my rtl_433 dongle running on debian.
GitHub - NorthernMan54/rtl_433_ESP at rtl_433-22.11 supports this device (number 11)
so I thought it would work immedialty and I can get rid of my debian PC
but apparently this one is not yet included.
Do you have plan to include it ?
or any technical limitation for not having it in the supported list ?
thanks for your input
best regards

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Indeed it should be included. Could you try the v1.4.0 of OMG and share your feedback?

Bonjour Florian
unfortunately same problem with OMG 1.4, F007TH is not recognized
it is listed in this src file: rtl_433_ESP/ambient_weather.c at rtl_433-22.11 · NorthernMan54/rtl_433_ESP · GitHub
with the name “Ambient Weather F007TH Thermo-Hygrometer.”
best regards
PS : see below a screenshot with OMG1.5.1
F007TH AmbientWeather is seen only with the rtl_433 running on a PC (see ‘rtl_433’ mqtt topic below)
( TFA Dostmann Venice Thermomètre de Piscine, 30.3056.10 is using this F007TH)
note, the “Regency” isn’t seen as well but in the list of NorthernMan54 supported devices too

to be back with these missing devices which should be detected with the new rtl_433 release,
during the compilation, device sources like “ambient_weather.c” and some others are skipped.
apparently we use the tag v0.1.9 when importing this lib from platformio.ini (rtl_433_ESP = … //")
The new rtl_433 release 22.11 is flagged under the tag 0.2.0
unfortunately, using this 0.2.0 version in platformio.ini causes errors

seems it’s work in progress Update for rtl_433 v.2.0?

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With the promotion of this pull request today, going forward development builds will include v0.2.1.

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Hello Sir
just made a build from your dev branch and it works fine, thanks :slight_smile:
great job

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