HM10 + ESP8266 Unable to get OMG Working

Ahh updating to V709 got it working now seeing the BLE devices in the serial monitor and in HA, Yay :grinning:
How does one decrease the time between scans from one minute to say 15 seconds?
1 Minute is a bit too long for my application.

I have found the setting for scan times and set it to what I need, appears to be working fine, Many thanks for your assistance in getting this working, you have a great attitude .Cheers John

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I got this too:
> 19:12:36.959 -> OK
> 19:12:41.128 -> OK+Set:1
> 19:12:47.698 -> OK+Set:1
> 19:13:02.267 -> OK+RESET
> 19:13:15.347 -> OK+DISAS
> 19:13:16.067 -> OK+DISA:_⸮eux⸮e⸮L$⸮f⸮^⸮NǰK7⸮t⸮⸮⸮
> 19:13:16.352 -> OK+DISA:⸮⸮%rxH⸮
> 19:13:16.386 ->
> 19:13:16.386 -> ⸮L]m~⸮
> 19:13:16.597 -> OK+DISA:⸮e⸮⸮e⸮Ẇ⸮⸮⸮⸮7¹9⸮e⸮⸮
> 19:13:16.669 -> OK+DISA:⸮e⸮⸮
> 19:13:16.707 -> Mi Band 3⸮⸮
> 19:13:17.220 -> OK+DISA:̌⸮⸮⸮ְ⸮
> 19:13:17.255 -> ⸮⸮̌⸮⸮
> 19:13:17.292 -> OK+DISA:̌⸮⸮⸮ SWAN
> 19:13:18.876 -> OK+DISCE

I’m really stuck with this problem.
My story is: I set up a gateway with IR, RF, DHT, PIR and BT. Everything works except BT. I already changed firmware, communicated with BT via serial on the same ESP8266 that I use OMG and tested others two identical BT modules.
I don’t know where else to go.

Ok! I understand that
is the new “abracadabra”!

Now it magically worked.

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 19.47.46


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