LYWSDCGQ not showing battery status


i got esp-wroom32 running standard esp32dev-ble-firmware.bin v0.9.4 and i receive no value about battery status (only temp and humidity). Why is that? In home assistant i got automatically recognized an entity of batt status but is unknown. In mqtt explorer i see sometimes messages like below:

“id”: “XX:XX:XX:38:03:3C”,
“rssi”: -82,
“distance”: 11.4949,
“servicedata”: “5020aa01123c0338342d580a10013e”


There is a parameter in the v0.9.4 that was set to 30 instead of 29 ServicedataMinLength in config_BT.h
if you put it to 29 you should get after a few minutes the battery level, it has been corrected in the development branch.