Not receiving any RF with Sonoff RF Bridge with Direct Hack

OK, so built a new recieving setup with a spare 8266 and RF reciever I had laying around…

I can get nodemcuv2-rf to pick up my remote, I can get nodemcuv2-weatherstation to pick up the Digoo device (though not decoding values right) - I cannot get nodemcuv2-pilight to see either my remote or the Digoo device - both should be supported by ESPPilight :confused: I’m confused, it’s getting late here so I’m calling it for the evening

I think this is due to a regression on Pilight, could you try with the previous version?
It is 0.16.2

Should this issue:

Yup that seems to be it. Rolling back to 0.16.2 of Pilight worked (I had to adjust some of the code in ZgatewayPilight.ino around the raw statements)

I can work with this, it’s been a bit of time since I’ve played with this properly, though. I only started looking due to new hardware etc - not lack of my last install which has been going strong for years.
I’ll see what I can work out about what’s changed and see if there’s a solution that works all round.

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