Theengs Bridge sometimes stops sending data

The Theengs Bridge has been running for 6 days now, and although there were two (20 seconds) interruptions today, the pattern shows it does not seem to get worse over time. On average I notice 1 interruption (20 seconds) per day, without a clear pattern. So it’s not too bad, but I still wonder why these interruptions happen :slight_smile:

Today, during a short power outage in my house, I noticed again the issue that the broker is not sending any messages for 20 seconds. This happened during a restart of the Theengs Bridge.

Would it be possible that the Theengs Bridge restarts ~1 time a day?

If there is a power outage, the bridge will restart and take time before retrieving the connection. I’m not surprised by a 20s message absence during a power outage.

You can check this by taking a look to the uptime from the SYStoMQTT message.

I’ve checked this for a week, but the uptime is now equal to a week. So we know the bridge is not restarting.

Looking back after a couple of weeks, the Theengs Bridge is still performing really good. Apart from a small time-out once a day, that I cannot explain yet, its performance has been good. So good actually that I am using it at my main BLE-detection system now.

Maybe this helps others: the parameters that works best for me are:

  • adaptivescan: false
  • interval: 100
  • intervalacts: 100
  • scanduration: 8000
  • onlysensors: false
  • minrssi: -200
  • presenceawaytimer: 300000

With these settings, especially those in bold, I have found the optimal balance between scanning and a short pause for sending messages (interval). It catches all my devices fast and reliable. It has been running for weeks now, without any problem.

Thanks for all your efforts in building this device @1technophile !

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