Ok - whitelisting just one plant sensor enables the gateway to stay online. Sorry, this has been a bit of a background project and I forgot that when I whitelisted one item the first time it was a QINGPING motion sensor.
I do not know what that other motion sensor is - it didn’t provide better intel on it via mqtt. I think I need to go out to my workspace and remove a bunch of batteries from undeployed devices. I would like to eventually deploy some motion sensors, although I’ve largely moved to zigbee for that.
Here are the default settings I get after resetting everything on first boot after setting up through the captive portal
N: No WebUI config to load
N: OpenMQTTGateway URL: http://NN2.NN8.0.NN6/
N: ZwebUI setup done
[NNNNNN][E][Preferences.cpp:NN] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
N: minrssi: -100
N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
N: Moving Timer: 60000
N: Force passive scan: false
N: Enabled BLE: true
N: ZgatewayBT multicore ESP32 setup done
N: Offline disabled
N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
N: Reconfiguring MQTT client...
N: Update check, free heap: NNNN0N: Using memory cert
[NNNNNN][E][ssl_client.cpp:NN] _handle_error(): [start_ssl_client():NN3]: (-NN) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (NN4E)
[NNNNNN][E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:NN4] connect(): start_ssl_client: -NN
E: Error on HTTP requestN: Update check done, free heap: NNNN6[NNNNNN][E][WiFiClient.cpp:NN2] connect(): connect on fd NN, errno: NN8, "Host is unreachable"
N: SYS json: {"uptime":NN7,"version":"v1.8.0","rgbb":NN,"mqtt":true,"serial":false,"disc":true,"ohdisc":false,"env":"theengs-bridge","freemem":NNNN0,"mqttp":"NNNN","mqtts":false,"mqttv":false,"msgprc":0,"msgblck":0,"msgrcv":0,"maxq":0,"cnt_index":0,"minmem":NNNN4,"tempc":NN.NN,"freestck":NNNN,"powermode":-1,"eth":false,"rssi":-NN,"SSID":"","BSSID":"EA:NN:DA:NN:NN:CB","ip":"","mac":"NN:B7:NN:NN:NN:4C","modules":"'WebUI', 'BT'","origin":"/SYStoMQTT"}
W: MQTT not connected, aborting the publication
W: Network disconnected
N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
E (NNNNNN) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[NNNNNN][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:NN7] begin(): connect failed! 0xNNNN
N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
E (NNNNNN) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[NNNNNN][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:NN7] begin(): connect failed! 0xNNNN
N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
E (NNNNNN) esp_netif_handlers: invalid static ip
N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
E (NNNNNN) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[NNNNNN][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:NN7] begin(): connect failed! 0xNNNN
W: MQTT not connected, aborting the publication
N: Connected to broker
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/omg_wltest/LWT msg: online
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-active_scan/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/number/NNBNNNNNNNNC-scanbcnct/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-restart/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-erase/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-force_scan/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/sensor/NNBNNNNNNNNC-interval/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/sensor/NNBNNNNNNNNC-scanbcnct/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-ohdiscovery/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-discovery/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/switch/NNBNNNNNNNNC-powermode/config msg:
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/omg_wltest/WebUItoMQTT msg: {"displayMetric":true,"webUISecure":true,"displayQueue":0}
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: homeassistant/binary_sensor/NNBNNNNNNNNC-connectivity/config msg: {"stat_t":"home/omg_wltest/LWT","avty_t":"home/omg_wltest/LWT","name":"SYS: Connectivity","uniq_id":"NNBNNNNNNNNC-