Unable to install Firmware OTA

Hi @Shesakillatwo

Have a look at this thread as to how to make sure you are actually trying to upload the desired environment. Like which environment is indicated at the bottom to the right of the upload button, or by using the PlatfomIO PROJECT TASKS.

Created a filename_env.ini file with the following lines in the file

And just adding these lines to a portable config file is not enough to define a custom environment. You need to extend an existing environment or create one completely, by using pre-defined environments as a template. Also your environment needs to have its own unique environemnt name.

I suppose you want to create a portable config file for all your 10 OMG gateways :slight_smile:

How do they get their IP addresses, do you have static assignments in your router’s DHCP setup or do you use the OMG’s NetworkAdvancedSetup functiuonality?