Good afternoon,
I have some Raex 433mhz remote controls for roller blinds. My search of the documentation turns up no mention of ASK protocol on 433 mhz devices. Is that still accurate?
Good afternoon,
I have some Raex 433mhz remote controls for roller blinds. My search of the documentation turns up no mention of ASK protocol on 433 mhz devices. Is that still accurate?
Hi @jsprenkl
There are two ASK decoders included in rtl_433_ESP library, “Oil Ultrasonic STANDARD ASK” and “Radiohead ASK”, but no mention of the Raex brand name, not even in the upstream rtl_433 repo.
So you best bet is to try it out with the current development version of OpenMQTTGateway, which includes the latest rtl_433_ESP, and to install an OOK/ASK build to see if it picks up anything from your remote.
If not you can always try and get your remote included in the upstream rtl_433 repo, bu following their instructions on how to get new devices added. It would then eventually propagate down into rtl_433_ESP and OpenMQTTGateway/
I see cc1101 mentioned in the pre-compiled binaries. The hardware supports ASK. I’ll check the repo to see if the software supports it. Thanks for the links and the advice.
When using a CC1101 with an ESP32 you should install the
Thanks. While searching it mentions the CC1101 decodes the protocol on chip and the RTL library isn’t needed, but you still had to configure the chip to use the desired protocol. I’ll do a deeper dive so I can understand what it all does. Thanks for the pointers. Helps a lot