Beacon for car?

Looking for a way to turn car power on/off as a signal via mqtt. I can’t use a battery powered beacon as it would lose the logic for power on/off triggers.

I assume the bluetooth in the car is useless as it stops showing up on scans once paired. It also isn’t BLE.

Is there any way to turn a regular usb bluetooth dongle into a beacon?

My fallback would be to flash esp32 with beacon software and plug it into the usb jack in the car.


Why not just get a USB Bluetooth beacon? Look and feel the same as USB Bluetooth dongles, but are beacons :wink:

Every USB beacon listing I’ve seen suggest an app/software needs to be run on the device. Looking for something that can just be connected to a dumb port.

Every USB Bluetooth beacon I have seen is just that, a bluetooth beacon, like the battery driven ones, but one that can be plugged into a dumb port, like in a dumb car USB port.

Yes, most of them usuallty also state that they have/or can be set up with an app, to set things like broadcast interval, name etc. but once that is set up to ones desire that’s it. But if you just want the default behaviour, just plug it in a dumb USB port and don’t exert yourself too much :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And sure, all of that is only possible, because there is software/firmware running on these beacons, as on any other beacons, battery, mains, USB … for them to actually have some functionnality.

Do you wish to detect the car presence or to turn on/off a car circuit by BLE?