I’m trying to integrate my blueriiot pool analyzer (a sensor for various water quality values in pools). I’ve seen a lot of info on the protocol on other forums and wanted to get this working with OMG, but unsure if we can achieve this with the write and read commands.
On nRFConnect tool I wrote the 01 byte to the F3300002 characteristic, and shortly after got the reading back on F3300003. It works as expected, and as I’d read about, but only because nRFConnect is listening to all notifications back from that device.
I then tried to write to the device from OMG as follows:
mosquitto_pub -t home/OMG_ESP32_BLE/commands/MQTTtoBT/config -m '{
"ble_write_address": "MY_MAC_ADDRESS",
"ble_write_service": "f3300001-f0a2-9b06-0c59-1bc4763b5c00",
"ble_write_char": "f3300002-f0a2-9b06-0c59-1bc4763b5c00",
"ble_write_value": "01",
"value_type": "hex",
"ttl": 4,
"immediate": true
it seemed to work, and shows success:true on the console, but I do wonder if “01” hex is actually the 0x01 I should be sending.
I tried to immediately trigger a read on the correct characteristic, but it never got anything back:
mosquitto_pub -t home/OMG_ESP32_BLE/commands/MQTTtoBT/config -m '{
"ble_read_address": "MY_MAC_ADDRESS",
"ble_read_service": "f3300001-f0a2-9b06-0c59-1bc4763b5c00",
"ble_read_char": "f3300003-f0a2-9b06-0c59-1bc4763b5c00",
"ttl": 5 }';
I wonder if this is because it is now a different connection, or if maybe my original “01” message wasn’t right?
Any ideas?