Connect and control BLE devices

Is there any intention to try to control a BLE device? I have a Fluval aquarium light which is great save 1 thing: When it looses power, it resets the internal clock to midnight on when the power is restored. I would love to be able to control the unit. It has many more capabilities, such as the ability to set the intensity of each of the 4 colors of LED independently, and it ramps the brightness between intervals. I know there are many aquarists who also do home automation who use these and would be interested in controlling them more so than via their phone app. Yes, I can have a plugin device I control via my hub (HomeSeer) and set the lighting schedule to start at midnightm but if I can run one less device, why wouldn’t I?

Hi @Karl_S,

OpenMQTTGateway has the ability to issue WRITE and READ commands to BLE devices, so it should be possible to control your Fluval aquarium light.

It has many more capabilities, such as the ability to set the intensity of each of the 4 colors of LED independently

As a fellow aquarists, currently without an active set-up though, I’d be interested in which model the Fluval light is, and if there is a possibility to add a decoder for it to Theengs Decoder, so that in OpenMQTTGateway you would get nicely decoded states for all its setting, provided that it sends its states through freely broadcast BLE advertising data and not only through connection READ commands.


I am returning to the hobby. This is the Plant Nano 3.0 light and I’m seeing up a 5 gallon planted tank. Far cry from the 90 gallon one I had set up years ago.

Are there instructions on how I would determine if the data is advertised or provided via connection READ commands? I only know about seeing data published via the gateway at the moment. I do see a message from the light, which I imagine is just a broadcast of availability for a connection.

Also, where would one suggest an edit to the ble gateway page? It implied to me that all days was read only and is why I worded my initial question as I did.

With me it’s the other way round, my last tank was a 25 litre nano tank, now I’m planning a 400 litre one in my new place.

But I’m digressing.

Are there instructions on how I would determine if the data is advertised or provided via connection READ commands?

READ and WRITE commands do come back with resulting messages, which contain “success”:true or false.

To see which possible services there are the nRFConnect app for your mobile phone would be best.

For the possible property containing advertisement messages it would be best to use some app like MQTT Explorer, to see which advertising messages the Fluval Plant Nano 3.0 might be sending out, and if any information could be decoded from them.

To further investigate the details of this, opening a discussion thread on GitHub for Theengs Decoder is the best way forward to work on it together.

Also, where would one suggest an edit to the ble gateway page?

Similarly on GitHub suggestions or ready edited Pull Requests can be proposed for the OpenMQTTGateway documentation.