Does OMG handle only known devices or - protocols?

Hi there!

OMG is great stuff with overwhelming features! But that leads me direct to my problem: I can’t find any “related” documentation to my issue, and the forum is full of experts talking languages, I don’t understand.

My question is simple: Can I receive, analyze, decode and use any RF433 signal?

In my house I use a doorbell range extender, that use 433 MHz for sure. But no matter what I try: If use the doorbell, my gateway is not receiving any new information. It receives an unbelieveable number of different transmitters, but not the one, I’m looking for.
And that leads me to my simple question: can OMG do this? If so, where can I find the documentation to deal with it?

Thanx for your patience!

Rgds, Uwe (Germany)

Welcome @Uwe

But no matter what I try: If use the doorbell, my gateway is not receiving any new information.

Have you tried all different RF protocol gateways, i.e. rtl_433, RF, RF2 and Pilight?

Even then it could still be that your specific device is not being recognised and/or correctly decoded, as is usually the case with RF433 rolling codes for example or other proprietary encoding not covered by any of the four mentioned decoding libraries, further explained at

Hope this helps

Thanx for your quick response. No, I have only tried the web upload version. I found the platformio version now, so I give it a try to look at the other protocol gateways.

Thx so far, I post the result

Rgds, Uwe