Ecowitt GW1101 or WS69 Support

Hi there,

Is the Ecowitt GW1101 or WS69 already supported?

Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,

Hi @fir3drag0n

The Ecowitt GW1101 looks exactly like my Froggit station, both being rebranded FineOffset devices, and therefore should be nicely supported, unless Ecowitt might have implemented some special firmware tweaks.

Which regional version do you have, North American 915MHz or the European 868MHz? Either way, you’d need a 868/915MHz board, as a 433MHz one would not receive it.

And much the same for the WS69, which is just the array itself without any receiving station. That is what I went for as well with my WH1080 SE.

I hope this helps.