Error with 0.9.9 RF

Hello again, i just want to report an error i encountered, i’ve been experimenting with the methods mentioned in previous topic, in particular i’ve been using the prod_env.ini and transferred this from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9 and it seems to work well. But i have encountered some strange behaviour with the rf in 0.9.9

E: deserialize MQTT data failed: EmptyInput

I seem to have this error using version 0.9.9 but no such problem with 0.9.8

N: Send on /433toMQTT msg {"value":9039524,"protocol":1,"length":24,"delay":336,"tre_state":"-","binary":"100010011110111010100100","raw":"10444,1048,332,360,1016,360,1016,356,1016,1040,340,352,1024,352,1020,1036,348,1032,344,1028,348,1024,356,336,1036,1020,356,1020,356,1016,360,332,1044,1024,356,336,1036,1020,356,336,1036,344,1032,1024,352,340,1032,344,1028,"}
N: no pub. dupl
N: [ MQTT->OMG ]: {"value":9039524,"protocol":1,"length":24,"delay":336,"tre_state":"-","binary":"100010011110111010100100","raw":"10444,1048,332,360,1016,360,1016,356,1016,1040,340,352,1024,352,1020,1036,348,1032,344,1028,348,1024,356,336,1036,1020,356,1020,356,1016,360,332,1044,1024,356,336,1036,1020,356,336,1036,344,1032,1024,352,340,1032,344,1028,"}
N: no pub. dupl
E: deserialize MQTT data failed: EmptyInput

If this is a known error, let me know, if not, please don’t waste time on it yet until i can experiment further. I just don’t want to waste time if it’s already known.