thanks for quick reply. Now managed to flash successfully. But now another question. When try to connect to WIFI it require password. I cannot find anywhere what’s the default password… Could you help?
thanks for quick reply. Now managed to flash successfully. But now another question. When try to connect to WIFI it require password. I cannot find anywhere what’s the default password… Could you help?
OMG i found it on this forum. It’s “your_password”. Please put it in the main page as this is really confusing and should be one of the steps when uploading. Thanks for the work put in the project. I will now check how i works in life
Apologies, it was at the bottom of the page! My mistake!
It is below:
but not maybe enough visible, I will move it on the top
i’m stuck one more time. I’ve managed to flash, connect the board to WIFI, configured mqtt and try now to receive some reading. My goal is at least to connect with Mijia humidity & temerature sensor with LCD round body. I use hassio running with mosquito mqqt broker. From mqtt log i know that the device has connected to it. When i subscribe to different topics i got no response:
How can i subscribe to get any feedback?
The best way is to subscribe to all the messages as stated in the doc or use MQTT explorer (better)
Please open a separate topic if needed as this is not anymore related to BIN files.
You mean “sudo mosquitto_sub -t +/# -v” ? But as i use embeded mosquito from hassio i probably will not be able to do that (or at least i dont know how). I will try “MQTT explorer” later this evening. BTW if i would like to use the autodiscovery of home assistant i found that i need to uncoment one line in some user_config.h file. Could you share how and where to find it? I can’t find any info about this one as well. I see the gateway in Home Asssistant but as i understood this will create automatically entities for end devices. Many thanks!
Exactly i was refering to this one but how can i edit this file? Is it something i need to compile and flash custimized again or can edit online? Which software to use? I know probably general knowledge but this is my first esp32…
Open a separate topic please.
I am getting a similar problem when I try to flash the LORA bin to TTGO LORA 32 using bootloader 80m. See below any ideas??
– Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file,
nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
— More details at Redirecting...
— Miniterm on COM11 115200,8,N,1 —
— Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
Did you erase the flash before uploading?
Thanks for your response. I have resolved this issue. Rookie mistake I did not notice the check boxes on the download tool so nothing was being done. No wonder it was so quick.
Once again thanks for your work. I look forward to getting my project going.
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
I am getting this error in my DOIT esp32 devkit v1
How to solve it?
I am using arduino IDE for programming the esp32.
Hi I am VERY NEW here myself But had experience with old doit v1 boards myself last week.
Dont ask why but try changing 2 settings in the espressiff flashing tool,
then try erase and flash, you will probably have to press both buttons and release in order to start the flash.
If you monitor the cmd window that opened the flashing tool you will see once the esp is talking to the tool it will automatically revert the baud rate etc that you changed in the tool it seems its just needed to open the proverbial door.
Also if similar to my do-it dev boards be patient with the access point and its serving of the config set up interface. you may need to disconnect your computer from any lan, shut down any antivirus and firewall s/w? and still exercise patience.
having a serial monitor or putty serial connection open to the esp to monitor its success in receiving page requests and serving them and especially the complete config page may help…
Mashing the save button is NOT A GOOD IDEA it flushes the wifi password field to null while saving the other credentials… !!! so click save ONCE and pray, if the save is recieved in full before the AP times out YIPEE!! if not you need to start with the new ap next time it restarts… (90 seconds loop?)
i tried 2 boards and had to revert to v 0.9.4 in order to load a system that i could communicate with via a browser eventually…
When on its GREAT does exactly what it says on the tin BUt the doit boards imho are not ideal candidates and are probably missing from the supported boards list for that reason…
If your journey starts to mirror mine STOP order a Mstack atom or one of the supported dev boards … check my posts in here from last week ,to guage my loss of sanity save yourself…
*EDIT THIS WEEK, only a few days ago… such a terrible experience im already thrusting it into distant memory,
Hello, I’ve generata a bin file with a esphome in home assitant.
I download to esp32-cam module and not working.
Reading serial:
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
I see that you program 4 files in esp32 downloader… how i can generate?
thans a lot.
You should ask on the home assistant forum
what did you select on startup? I cant seem to get the select flash-size to show up.