ESP WROOM 32 with compiled bin files


I am trying to flash an ESP WROOM 32 board with the compiled binaries without any success using the ESP Download Tool and the example settings from the v0.9.4beta instructions.

I have tried 3 different boards and two of the latest versions, erasing the flash between each attempt. The boards load and run other applications ok.

On flashing and resetting a board I get the following repeated error on the serial output…

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371

Has anyone managed to load the compiled binaries on to a WROOM using the suggested files and addresses shown in the latest instructions?



Could you indicate the binary you are flashing?

Thanks for the reply.

I have tried the BLE binaries from versions 0.0.3 and 0.9.4.

The only file that wasn’t downloaded from the site was the bootloader bin which I got from the Expressif site (bootloader_dio_40m.bin)

And could you give me the name of the binary?
For example

The above should read version 0.9.3


Here are the settingsimage

The detected info from the target device is…

flash vendor:
C8h : GD
flash devID:
40 Mhz

Seems correct, do you have the possibility to flash it with Arduino IDE or Platformio?

I will try it tomorrow

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Using the same settings and the ESP Flash Tool I was able to flash a Heltec LoRa ESP32 but any attempt to flash a WROOM 32 still fails.

I was able to flash both the Heltec and the WROOM using PlatformIO.

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Have you been able to resolve this ?

I am getting the same thing with WROOM 32

Have you been able to resolve this ?

Are you getting the same issue?

I wasn’t able to resolve this. Even with the latest version of the ESP Flash tool the application fails on a WROOM module yet it works ok on other ESP boards.

Let me try it, I will report back

Just did it, no problem in my side with an ESP32 DEVKIT board which has a WROOM32:

Note that I press the BOOT button when the download tool shows SYNC and I did an erase before the upload.

Where are you stuck?

@31warren seems that you are using the wrong bootloader, use the one from the link of the docs

It should be bootloader_dio_80m.bin and not bootloader_dio_40m.bin

Yes I was getting the same issue.

I have tried again today after a fresh erase and it is now working

Thank you

Thanks. I will try again with the different bootloader. Would you please confirm the memory addresses that you used for the 4 files.

The same that are in the docs.

Thanks again.

All now working ok.

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Hi Guys,

could you help me with wroom32 connection? How did you connected the board. I use the embeded usb to supply power and ftdi232 connected to TX & RX & GND but cannot flush it. There’s no progress when i press START and nothing is recognized in the software.

You need to press the reset or flash button of the board after “start”