ESP32 - build on

Has anyone got a platformio.ini file for this project?
If possible, I’d like to use VSCode and build environment…

ok, I’ve given this a go.
One big problem with and .ino files is that the pre-processing does not work the same as arduino, and so because there are no function prototypes, there are a lot of compile errors. Google is not a great help; the advice being 'convert to c/cpp files manually.

Not in my side, what do you think can bring?

In theory, it installs all of the development environment and required libraries automagically, and works easily with vscode as a dev environment (my env of choice, for the moment).
I’m not so sure that it does do all that is claimed now :). And also I may find even when built, that library/sdk version management is a big issue (since this project seems to like certain commits of certain stuff at the moment).
I think it would build correctly IF I added function prototypes; but probably better if I resurrect the arduino env for contributing to this project; unless you have a long term plan to move from .ino to .cpp files…

Yes it’s in the plan but as you said long term. The first step is currently to factorize publishing function, the work is in progress here, I m adding json support also (XtoMQTT is done MQTTtoX is in progress).
Once these items are done we can work on a kind of OMGateway library.