ESP32 DEV V1 & C11011 rtl_433_ESP: Ignored Input Signal

Hello and a happy new year to everyone!

After successfully installing OMG on my ESP32 devkit, I run into the following issue:

I wired all my Hardware according to the documentation.
I use a DOIT ESP32 DEV KIT V1 with a C1101 module for 433 MHZ and connected them via SPI.
I can flash OMG successfully, using the esp32dev-rtl_433 binary through the web uploader.

It publishes the status via MQTT which tells me this:

    "uptime": 7924,
    "version": "v1.1.1",
    "freemem": 171168,
    "mqttport": "1883",
    "mqttsecure": false,
    "freestack": 4728,
    "rssi": -62,
    "SSID": "*****************",
    "BSSID": "***************",
    "ip": "*************",
    "mac": "**************",
    "actRec": 3,
    "mhz": 433.92,
    "RTLRssiThresh": -82,
    "RTLRssi": -92,
    "RTLAVGRssi": -91,
    "RTLCnt": 0,
    "modules": [

Via console I get some more information about the running instance of OMG:

rtl_433_ESP(7): Average RSSI Signal -91 dbm, adjusted RSSI Threshold -82, samples 50000
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 240996, Time since last bit length: 40437, Gap length: 22242393, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 239996, Time since last bit length: 40313, Gap length: 8863, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 238996, Time since last bit length: 40377, Gap length: 922365, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 240000, Time since last bit length: 40345, Gap length: 10731, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 235960, Time since last bit length: 40449, Gap length: 422280, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 237000, Time since last bit length: 40297, Gap length: 14038, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 239996, Time since last bit length: 40377, Gap length: 425302, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0
rtl_433_ESP(6): Ignored Signal length: 243000, Time since last bit length: 40333, Gap length: 10110, Signal RSSI: -35, Current RSSI: -92, pulses: -1, noise count: 0

When I click the send button on my TFA Dostmann 30.3221.02 I receive the signal above, but it won’t be published via MQTT nor decoded.

I’m stuck here, can someone please help?
Thanks a lot!

User error…
The module seems to need the connection via GDO0 AND GDO2. I only connected GDO2 as this is the one for the receiver.

After connecting GDO0 as well, signals coming in are decoded successfully.



I’ve been struggling with this aswell… Since I don’t use transmit I never soldered that pin, but it has been working fine up to version 0.9.something anyway.
Newer versions refused to work until I connected pin. Voila!

Nice to hear I’m not the only one! :slight_smile:

May I ask what hardware you are using? My range is pretty bad unfortunately. Using a cheap HW-862 C1101 transceiver module from ebay.
As soon as sensors are not close to it like several cm it stops receiving and just tells me that incoming Signals are ignored.

Connecting ping GDO0 only lead to an improvement for very close sensors.

I have not done very much experimenting but it easily picks up my oven thermometer at the first floor when the receiver is down in the basement. Occasionally the neighbours thermometers and stuff.
I have been using OMG for picking up the faint signals from my pool thermometer in the garden and relaying the data over to my Home Assistant system. It has been working nicely last summer but not if I tried running any of the newer firmware versions.
I just ran a test with the pool thermometer, the range is the same as before, not very long. 10m indoors.

I’m using the cheapest CC1101 from Amazon with the included stub coil antenna. Mine has a SMA antenna connector so I have been playing around with some home made antennas which did increase the range at the cost of size… Since I don’t need the range I went with the included antenna, I have the OMG placed inside the pool pump housing.