Get RF signal from remote and transmit via Sonoff RFBridge

I have a very simple 433Mhz remote controlling a retractable patio awning.
3 commands “UP” “DOWN” “STOP”
Generic Chinese remote. No brand, markings or FCC ID.

I have OpenMQTTGateway running on a hacked Sonoff RFBridge (Pilight)

I want to transmit the remote codes via the Sonoff Bridge so I can get rid of the remote and control the awning via Home Assistant.

The remote signals aren’t decoded on existing protocols
SRFB : nothing decoded/no raw signal captured.
Pilight : nothing decoded; can only capture raw signal, however I get a sequence of 5 different raw decodes within a second for a single button press (the remote led blinks half a second)

MQTT Explorer

<i>11/01/2024 12:21:49 AM</i>


<i>11/01/2024 12:21:49 AM*(-0.13 seconds)*</i>


<i>11/01/2024 12:21:49 AM*(-0.13 seconds)*</i>


<i>11/01/2024 12:21:49 AM*(-0.11 seconds)*</i>


<i>11/01/2024 12:21:48 AM*(-0.11 seconds)*</i>


When I try to re-send the captured signals, it generates a much longer (time wise) signal than the original button (same button but different sample than above)

alias: MQTT send
  - action: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      topic: OMG/OMG_RFBRIDGE/commands/MQTTtoPilight
      payload: '{"raw":"c:0000000000010001000000000000120000020000000300000003040040245000000553000003000600000000000600002300006630200000036000606;p:213,1311,699,457,1020,806,4945@"}'
  - action: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      topic: OMG/OMG_RFBRIDGE/commands/MQTTtoPilight
      payload: '{"raw":"c:012202013131213122020202002020202202020022020020220200202022002202020202020200220200220020202022020202002202020203;p:491,662,254,4849@"}'
  - action: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      topic: OMG/OMG_RFBRIDGE/commands/MQTTtoPilight
      payload: '{"raw":"c:0011010010101010110101010010101011010100201001011010010101100110101010101010011010030101010110101010011010101041560110100227;p:572,198,302,913,2609,1970,746,5817@"}'
  - action: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      topic: OMG/OMG_RFBRIDGE/commands/MQTTtoPilight
      payload: '{"raw":"c:0011000210000001001131313131310033430043000000004143434330434343434;p:377,763,1113,648,4793@"}'
  - action: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      topic: OMG/OMG_RFBRIDGE/commands/MQTTtoPilight
      payload: '{"raw":"c:001101001010101011010101001010101101010011010010110100101011001101010101010100110100110010101011010101001101010102;p:630,249,4833@"}'
description: ""

I haven’t installed the awning yet to test it but this doesn’t look right at first glance…

I also managed to generate a flex decoder with RTL-433 but not sure if If there’s a way to use their format/parameters to send in OMG.
More details here:

Let me know what you think,
how should I troubleshoot this / best course of action.

RTL_433 also provides the raw data pulse (“UP” button):

Downloads\rtl_433-win-x64-23.11> .\rtl_433 -w OOK:- UP.cu8
rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
;pulse data
;version 1
;timescale 1us
;created 2024-11-01 09:07:22
[Input] Test mode active. Reading samples from file: UP.cu8
;received 2024-11-01 09:07:22
;ook 285 pulses
;freq1 433850688
;centerfreq 433920000 Hz
;samplerate 250000 Hz
;sampledepth 8 bits
;range 42.1 dB
;rssi -0.1 dB
;snr 33.6 dB
;noise -33.7 dB
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