I can run rtl_433 using an SDR USB dongle at 817MHz and see the signals from my weather station. It reports model as ‘Bresser-6in1’. RTL_433 decodes all the data and formats it nicely.
I want to use OMG to get the weather station data and pass it to MQTT.
I’m using an ESP32 Dev board wired to a CC1101. It wired OK and basically working because I have see signals decoded from other devices at 433MHz.
My device is sending messages to MQTT. I can see them in MQTT Explorer, but nothing from my weather station.
I’ve tried various downloads from the web (Option 1) without success. I’m currently trying with OMG_multi_receiver, having set the frequency to 917MHz via the web UI.
Nothing with the RTL_433 library, or RF or RF2 libraries, changed via the web UI.
I really don’t know where to go from here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.