HA Sensor missing for FineOffset WH65B Weather Station

I’m new to the OMG community and hoping someone can assist, I have an issue with my Home Assistant MQTT Broker that won’t list the UV Index Rating (Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uvi) sensor only the UV sensor (Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uv).

I’ve noticed in the payload there are 2 different UV index references, one being the UV and the other UVI, the UV reference does list in HA but the UVI is missing, in the payload the name for both is “UV” (“name”: “uv”,),is this correct or should the UVI name be different eg. UVI (“name”: “uvi”,)? Many Thanks for any advice.

EDIT: I also notice that with the Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uvi entry it has a hyphen after the name entry (“name”: “Fineoffset-WH65B-17-”,) and a forward slash at the end of the stat_t entry ( “stat_t”: “+/+/RTL_433toMQTT/Fineoffset-WH65B/17/”,) while all other sensors are the same as Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uv?

Payload from OMG_lilygo_rtl_433_ESP:

N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/Fineoffset-WH65B/17 msg {“model”:“Fineoffset-WH65B”,“id”:17,“battery_ok”:1,“temperature_C”:16.9,“humidity”:57,“wind_dir_deg”:23,“wind_avg_m_s”:0.19125,“wind_max_m_s”:0.51,“rain_mm”:12.954,“uv”:664,“uvi”:1,“light_lux”:29577,“mic”:“CRC”,“protocol”:“Fine Offset Electronics, WH25, WH32B, WH24, WH65B, HP1000, Misol WS2320 Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor”,“rssi”:-65,“duration”:11000}

MQTT Explorer output for uv:

“stat_t”: “+/+/RTL_433toMQTT/Fineoffset-WH65B/17”,
“unit_of_meas”: “UV index”,
“name”: “uv”,
“uniq_id”: “Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uv”,
“val_tpl”: “{{ value_json.uv | is_defined }}”,
“state_class”: “measurement”,
“device”: {
“ids”: [
“cns”: [
“mdl”: “Fineoffset-WH65B”,
“name”: “Fineoffset-WH65B-17”,
“via_device”: “OMG_lilygo_rtl_433_ESP”

MQTT Explorer output for uvi:

“stat_t”: “+/+/RTL_433toMQTT/Fineoffset-WH65B/17/”, <<–Different
“unit_of_meas”: “UV index”,
“name”: “uv”, <<–Same
“uniq_id”: “Fineoffset-WH65B-17-uvi”,
“val_tpl”: “{{ value_json.uv | is_defined }}”, <<–Same
“state_class”: “measurement”,
“device”: {
“ids”: [
“Fineoffset-WH65B-17-” <<–Different
“cns”: [
“Fineoffset-WH65B-17-” <<–Different
“mdl”: “Fineoffset-WH65B”,
“name”: “Fineoffset-WH65B-17-”, <<–Different
“via_device”: “OMG_lilygo_rtl_433_ESP”

Hi @philbio

I have fixed and submitted the uv/uvi inconsistency during discovery and also added some missing device classes for rain and wind to the development branch of OpenMQTTGateway.

You can install the development test build with these changes from tomorrow onwards from the development test web upload page

Best to delete your existing discovery messages through MQTT Explorer, especially the “Fineoffset-WH65B-17-” entries, and you should get the new discovery like

Hi DigiH,

Wow Legend!! appreciate your assistance the uvi sensor is now in HA, just a quick question, the wind speed use to be in m/s but displays now in HA as km/h? If this is the standard format no worries I’ll make some changes in my YAML code to reflect the change?

Again thanks for all your help :slight_smile:

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This looks to be an auto-conversion on the HA side, as you will see that the discovery messages for wind are still in m/s as are the actual incoming MQTT messages.

Not knowing HA well enough, I cannot say if and where this might be changeable or when it was introduced, but personally I find km/h more relatable as a speed than m/s :wink:

No worries, once again thanks :smiley: