i’ve built my ir OMG, it talks to Home Assistant fine, and now i’m struggling with IR codes.
Mainly i have to drive an LG TV, a Sky+ decoder and a Technics HiFi.
Now, some questions:
my sky+ remote, when i press the power button, sends different codes every time i try. Maybe there are 5-10 different codes. Is that normal? Do i need all or i can send always the same?
i keep using raw codes because i cant’ figure out how to find the protocol code.
For example, my ir receiver got this:
home/OpenMQTTGateway/IRtoMQTT {“value”:3322372548,“protocol”:-1,“bits”:18,“raw”:“222,1010,228,1138,222,738,224,2776,284,1220,222,1282,222,1146,226,866,248,12864,228,1004,224,1686,226,1822,224,736,256,702,228,2770,228,734,228,730,220”}
or this
home/OpenMQTTGateway/IRtoMQTT {“value”:551489775,“protocol”:3,“bits”:32,“raw”:“8980,4472,574,542,572,542,572,1658,572,544,570,544,570,546,570,546,570,546,568,1662,568,1664,576,538,576,1656,574,1656,574,1658,572,1658,572,1660,570,544,570,546,570,546,570,1662,568,548,568,548,566,548,576,540,576,1656,576,1656,574,1658,572,570,546,1660,572,1660,570,1660,570,1662,570”}
how i can find which IR_* is protocol 4294967295 and protocl 3 ?