Hi there, I’m pretty impressed by OMG and offloading SDR functionality to a simple board than running a fullstack SBC,
Unfortunatly I have no luck in getting a link to my WH1080 weather station. While I doublechecked that the PWS frequency is 868.3MHz and my board is 868 / 915MHz Lora, I constantly doubt that my uploaded official build supports the correct modulation (FSK or OOK)…
I used this line for upload (with and without -fsk files):
esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --chip esp32 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dout --flash_size detect 0xe000 "boot_app0(1).bin" 0x1000 heltec-rtl_433-fsk-bootloader.bin 0x8000 heltec-rtl_433-fsk-partitions.bin 0x10000 "heltec-rtl_433-fsk-firmware(1).bin"
While wifi and mqtt works fine, I didn’t see any lines on successful decoding in the logs.
What makes me wonder is that even the -fsk build is labeled with OOK:
So I’m not sure, if I did anything completely wrong? In another post I read that this board is limited to OOK only, which makes it even more curious

P.S: What is the best way to reset a wifi setting? I try to setup a new wifi, where my previous one doesn’t exist anymore. But wether serial connection, nor reflashing erase the SSID OMG is looking for, nor fire up the fallback AP?