I have tested a ttgo lora32 board with the web upload version of the rtl_433 with FSK enabled with the same antenna, so data reception should be possible from my location.
I am not sure whether FSK is enabled with the following build flags, because while I have specified the frequency with 868.30, the board always starts with 433mhz.
The mqtt topic is also home/OMG_rtl_433_ESP instead of that should be configured.
I would really appreciate your help, because I am now totally lost again …
platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = esp32dev
lib_deps =
build_flags =
; rtl_433_ESP flag
;‘-OOK_MODULATION=false’ ; false then FSK modulation activated
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Modules ***
‘-valueAsATopic=true’ ; MQTT topic includes model and device
monitor_speed = 115200