Thanks @monkeypr00f, this confirms the findings of @PapaLanc.
A fix has been integrated and released with version 0.6.0 of Theengs Decoder, which will then be in the next release of OpenMQTTGateway.
Thanks @monkeypr00f, this confirms the findings of @PapaLanc.
A fix has been integrated and released with version 0.6.0 of Theengs Decoder, which will then be in the next release of OpenMQTTGateway.
Is there a subscription somewhere to be notified of new versions?
If you have a GitHub account you can watch the releases of OpenMQTTGateway, as well as the Decoder separately, and get notified by email/push notification whenever a new version is released
Alternatively you can check the OpenMQTTGateway homepage every now and then, indicating the current release version in the top left
Usually @1technophile also creates a post here in the forum when a new version of OpenMQTTGateway has been released.
GitHub links
Thanks. I think I am watching releases on GitHub now
Hello I have an inkbrid X2 thermometer I use it with openmqttgateway now I wanted to add accuracy decimal in my configuration, how can I insert it???
under my configuration
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) < (states.input_number.owen_temp_low.state | int) or (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) > (states.input_number.owen_temp_high.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Owen Temp Alert
icon_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) < (states.input_number.owen_temp_low.state | int) or (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) > (states.input_number.owen_temp_high.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
value_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) >= (states.input_number.owen_target_temp.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Owen Target Temp Alert
icon_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc.state | int) >= (states.input_number.owen_target_temp.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
value_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) >= (states.input_number.meat_target_temp.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Meat Target Temp Alert
icon_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) >= (states.input_number.meat_target_temp.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
value_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) < (states.input_number.meat_temp_low.state | int) or (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) > (states.input_number.meat_temp_high.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Meat Temp Alert
icon_template: >-
{% if (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) < (states.input_number.meat_temp_low.state | int) or (states.sensor.ibt_2x_tempc2.state | int) > (states.input_number.meat_temp_high.state | int) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Hi @SerpikoIT,
not using HA myself I’m not totally sure, but how about changing all the int definitions in your configuration to float, or leaving them out completely?
this is in the sensors file that I call with the ha configurator
i saw from mqtt explorer that the temperature is read like this
"temp": 23,
"tempf": 73.4,
"tempc2": 23,
"tempf2": 73.4
is it not possible to have the celsius temperature with decimals?
I’m sure you have seen that the Celsius temperature is also being broadcast with one decimal, if you have monitored your IBT-2X for a little while.
In OpenHAB I display my IBT-2X probes with [%.1f °C] to also show this decimal. I’m sure there is a similar possibility in Home Assistant.
I honestly don’t know where to put it, where you put them you can put your configuration
I really don’t know where and how the display format in HA is defined, but also with the alert conditions in your configuration file above, all values are rounded to integers it seems, so that the decimals are being ignored for these condition evaluations - hence my previous suggestion to change or remove them.
You can be assured that your IBT-2X does send its Celsius temperature with one decimal - as can also be seen in some of the MQTT-Explorer screenshots above. Now it just needs someone who is more knowledgeable with HA to answer your questions on where and how to make these changes to also have it displayed in HA and to have the alert conditions also take the decimal into account.
this is what mqtt explorer shows me
"temp": 23,
"tempf": 73.4,
"tempc2": 23,
"tempf2": 73.4