Integration for bathroom scales possible?

I bought a bathroom scale with ble support (beurer BF 720).
Is it possible/wanted to integrate such devices into openmqttgateway?
Where can I find descriptions how to do it?

Hi @usrstephan

If you scale also braodcasts it’s detaiuls through BLE advertising data, like some other scale do, yes, then it will be possible to integrate a new decoder for the Beurer BF 720.

You can have a look at the existing Xiaomi scales decoders and the documentation about adding new decoders.

There are also two still open requests for other scales where you can see which information is required for a full decoder - unfortunately often too involved for some to see it all the way through with scales and their several options :frowning:

Best to start with some sample messages with Advertisement and Advanced Data set to 1, to see if there is any useful data encoded in the Beurer BF 720’s advertising data.

Best to post the data and continue this in the Theengs Decoder Discussions.

As proposed, I continued here