Hello Everyone,
I’m a pure novice when it comes to OMG but I tinker with computers and IOT.
I have a couple of Mopeka Pro Check Universal sensors model number M1017020A. As far as I can tell, that particular model is not listed in the documentation but Mopeka is. As far as I know, there are enhancements but no underlying differences.
My questions:
Is OMG compatible with my Mopeka sensors?
My plan is to install OMG on an internet connected Mac computer (I could also install it on an Asustor NAS) and have other computers on the Internet that are connected to OMG display the values from my sensors (do I also need a gateway?). Note that the Bluetooth from the sensors is out of range of any device but they are covered by WiFi. Is this correct or I’m barking up the wrong tree?
Not all Mopeka sensors, we are compatible with the M1017:
Not sure of the M1017020A.
You can’t install OMG on a computer, you need an ESP32. You can nevertheless install Theengs Gateway on a computer.
If your computer is not within reach of the Bluetooth sensors this is where you should use an ESP32 to extend your range and act as a BLE to WiFi bridge.
A controller, like Home Assistant, OpenHAB, ioBroker, Domoticz, NodeRed, FHEM
To keep things simple, I now plan to buy your bridge instead of the ESP32: Theengs Bridge - ESP32 BLE MQTT gateway Wifi, Ethernet, external anten
My plan now is to connect the bridge to my LAN/Internet via WIFI. The bridge will read my sensor bluetooth data and send that over OMG. I will retrieve and act on the data in Node Red. Will that work in principle? Do I still need an ESP32?
Thank you for the hand-holding. My test results were mixed.
If I select “sensors” on the menu of Theengs mobile app, I don’t see anything.
But if I select “device browser” I see the correct MAC addresses of my Mopeka sensors but no data on the Theengs app.
Using the Mopeka app on the same phone, I see the data.
With the Mopeka Pro Check Universal I’m also wondering if it doesn’t require different calculations depending on the liquid (Diesel, Oil, Water, Propane, Butane, Anhydrous and other liquid commodities) and the different tank types ( Aluminum*, Plastic, and Poly Tanks).
Can you let us know if and where this might need to be specified in the Mopeka app when setting up a Mopeka Pro Check Universal.
Good questions. I suspect the device sends out what it sees via Bluetooth. @1technophile,
I tried the above without complete success.
At command prompt, I typed “pip install TheengsGateway”.
That seemed to install the gateway OK but not the decoder.
Typing “python TheengsGateway --publsh_advdata” on command prompt also fails.
See screenshot.
I upgraded pip and installed visual studio, but I get the same error, whether using Windows Command Prompt or visual studio CLI.
I even tried Linux (Ubuntu 18) and got a similar error, but put differently.