KAKU ACD-1000 and Flamingo SF-501P SWITCH don't respond on OMG RF2 Sent Signal

Hi All, What a nice project this is!
I have a KAKU ACD-1000 and Flamingo SF-501P SWITCH that doesn’t respond on OMG Signal:

  1. I’m Receiving data from RF signal (see below).
  2. Send data by MQTT to convert it on RF signal looks good in the serial monitor (see below).
  3. I followed the troubleshooting steps (see below).

Now I ask for help, because I’m running out of time, I want to switch my light on/off when I’m on holiday. No pressure of course, this is a first world problem :wink:
Does anybody see what I’m doing wrong?

Help is very appreciated.
KR, Winston


Not able to send or receive RF or IR:

  • Verify your power supply voltage with a multimeter
    DONE, this is 4,9V
  • Verify your wiring
    DONE, other software is working ok
  • To eliminate issues of OpenMqttGateway or you home controller try uploading basic examples from the libraries directly
    DONE, the NewRemoteSwitch library works with the same hardware setup
  • If you are only unable to receive RF on nodemcu
    N/A, this works

Receiving data from RF signal

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mosquitto_sub -t +/# -v
home/OpenMQTTGateway/version 0.9.1
home/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT online
home/OpenMQTTGateway/SYStoMQTT {“uptime”:120,“freeMem”:46008,“rssi”:-75,“SSID”:“AMICE”,“modules”:“RF2”}
home/OpenMQTTGateway/RF2toMQTT {“unit”:1,“groupBit”:0,“period”:260,“address”:1939456,“switchType”:0}

Send data by MQTT to convert it on RF signal

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mosquitto_pub -t “home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoRF2” -m “{“unit”:1,“groupBit”:0,“period”:262,“address”:1939456,“switchType”:1}”

Serial Monitor:

15:18:30.188 → Hey I got a callback
15:18:30.188 → MQTTtoRF2 json
15:18:30.188 → MQTTtoRF2 switch type ok
15:18:30.188 → MQTTtoRF2
15:18:30.188 → 8233378
15:18:30.188 → 1
15:18:30.188 → 262
15:18:30.188 → 0
15:18:30.188 → 1
15:18:30.188 → -1
15:18:30.188 → Sending
15:18:31.456 → MQTTtoRF2 OK
15:18:31.456 → Pub json into:
15:18:31.456 → home/OpenMQTTGateway/433toMQTT
15:18:31.456 → {“unit”:1,“groupBit”:0,“period”:262,“address”:1939456,“switchType”:1}
15:18:42.360 → Uptime (s)
15:18:42.360 → 480
15:18:42.360 → Remaining memory
15:18:42.408 → 46008
15:18:42.408 → RSSI
15:18:42.408 → -71
15:18:42.408 → SSID
15:18:42.408 → AMICE
15:18:42.408 → Activated modules
15:18:42.408 → RF2
15:20:42.375 → Uptime (s)
15:20:42.375 → 600
15:20:42.375 → Remaining memory
15:20:42.375 → 46008
15:20:42.375 → RSSI
15:20:42.375 → -76
15:20:42.375 → SSID
15:20:42.375 → AMICE
15:20:42.375 → Activated modules
15:20:42.375 → RF2

User_config.h MODULES

/-------------DEFINE THE MODULES YOU WANT BELOW----------------/
//Addons and module management, comment the Z line

//#define ZgatewayRF “RF” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayRF315 “RF315” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayIR “IR” //ESP8266, Arduino, Sonoff RF Bridge
//#define ZgatewayLORA “LORA” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayPilight “Pilight” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
//#define ZgatewayBT “BT” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32
#define ZgatewayRF2 “RF2” //ESP8266, Arduino, ESP32


/-------------------PIN DEFINITIONS----------------------/
#ifdef ESP8266
#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 5// D3 on nodemcu // put 4 with rf bridge direct mod
#define RF_EMITTER_PIN 4 // RX on nodemcu if it doesn’t work with 3, try with 4 (D2) // put 5 with rf bridge direct mod

Anybody here willing to help?
I noticed that the address I sent “11861222” is not in the serial monitor view and the only value I don’t recognize is:
23:11:39.486 -> 8233378
Is this causing the problem?

Serial Monitor:
23:11:39.486 -> Hey I got a callback
23:11:39.486 -> MQTTtoRF2 json
23:11:39.486 -> MQTTtoRF2 switch type ok
23:11:39.486 -> MQTTtoRF2
23:11:39.486 -> 8233378
23:11:39.486 -> 0
23:11:39.486 -> 250
23:11:39.486 -> 1
23:11:39.486 -> 0
23:11:39.486 -> -1
23:11:39.486 -> Sending
23:11:40.717 -> MQTTtoRF2 OK
23:11:40.717 -> Pub json into:
23:11:40.717 -> home/OpenMQTTGateway/433toMQTT
23:11:40.717 -> {“unit”:0,“groupBit”:1,“period”:250,“address”:11861222,“switchType”:0}

Please let me know if you have any remarks or questions.

KR, Winston

Hello @wsmith101,

Did you checked if your emitter receive power and if it receive correctly the signal by measuring the data pin voltage when sending?


@1technophile thanks for your response. I checked the voltage on the pins. This was 4,9V in idle mode. Do you think this will change during sending? The adaper is 2A and the hardware Works with the lichtshow script from NewRemoteSwitch, but I will check this week. Keep you posted. KR

You mean you have constantly 4.9V on data pin?

Yes, it’s constantly 4.9V.
Below my test script that works with the same hardware setup…

#include <NewRemoteTransmitter.h>

// Create a transmitter on address 1939456, using digital pin 4 to transmit,
// with a period duration of 260ms (default), repeating the transmitted
// code 2^3=8 times.
NewRemoteTransmitter transmitter(1939456, 4, 260, 5);

void setup() {

void loop() {
// Switch unit 1 off
transmitter.sendUnit(1, false);

// Wait 1 seconds

// Switch unit 1 on
transmitter.sendUnit(1, true);

Hmm, my french betray me.

For sending, the key is adress and not address…
Try with this command:
mosquitto_pub -t "home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoRF2" -m "{"unit":1,"groupBit":0,"period":262,"adress":1939456,"switchType":1}"

If working I will correct the code

Merci! it works like a charm :partying_face:

great! I will correct the code

Avec plaisir.
Just for my curiosity would it be possible to check if your device work with zgatewayPilight?

Code corrected in development branch