Lilygo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 constantly reboots

I have loaded lilygo-rtl_433 to a Lilygo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 and it constantly reboots. It receives data and sends it to the MQTT broker, but resets after receiving most data, as well as selecting any item from the WebUI.

I have successfully loaded both lilygo-ble and lilygo-rtl_433-fsk with no rebooting. The ble software operates as expected, though I get no data when lilygo-rtl_433-fsk is loaded.

Strangely, if I change the frequency, even just a little while lilygo-rtl_433 is loaded, the rebooting stops, even if the frequency is changed to 433.0.

Any suggestions?

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Yes, you can try the development version, it may solve your issue:

That seems to have done the trick. Thank you!


same problem and same result ! thanks !!

Is this fixed in v1.7?


I’m using Lilygo T3_V1.6.1 with OpenMQTTGateway 1.7.0 and it constantly reboot.
any suggestions?


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I just wanted to update that I’ve had similar issues with constant reboots on a LILYGO T-Beam Meshtastic LORA32 433MHz ESP32. As suggested, I went to and installed the latest version from there (I chose the lilygo-rtl_433 firmware) and that worked! No more restarts! :partying_face:

Now I see messages coming in on 433 MHz, which I didn’t before.

Looking forward to when this dev version gets released as “stable”/GA!


Same problem with a new Lilygo lora433 T3.v1.6.1.
With the stable FW lilygo-rtl_433, constants reboots.
I’ve uploaded the dev FW 5cb9bc, similar issues.
reboots every 85 sec, usually after a task overflow in task rtl_433_decoder has been detected. Less often with a guru meditation error, core 1 panic’ed.

Any help most welcome !

Tried dev FW lilygo-rtl_433_fsk. No reboot.
But I haven’t sensor using 433 FSK modulation

Tried the last dev version 00fe36. Reboots every 85 sec, task overflow in task rtl-433 decoder.

Which devices are you trying to get the data from?

Good evening, and thanks for the development and support!

I’m trying to get data from a Misol weather station, a WH/Fine offset clone.
Using FW 1.5, it works. I’m also getting data from my Oregon temperature sensors.

With FW 1.5 I also get a lot of additional data from the neighbourhood. The number of sensors seems unlikely (204), and quite a few sensors have inconsistent data (Accurite, Skylink, springfield-soil…) and are often only received once.

Latest dev version is still rebooting. I build it from source monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder and from (Option 1) Upload from the web | Theengs OpenMQTTGateway DEVELOPMENT SHA:ed0b68 TEST ONLY . Both are not working. How can I fix it, what I can provide? Or should i open a issue on github?

N: type: null
T: isAdupl?
T: Enqueue JSON
T: Queue length: 1
T: Min ind: 10
T: store code : 1146327680 / 189102
T: Col: val/timestamp
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 69101
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 81098
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 93103
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 105095
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 117103
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 129095
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 141103
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 153095
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 165102
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 177095
T: mem code : 1146327680 / 189102
T: mem code : 0 / 0
T: Dequeue JSON
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_lilygo_rtl_433_ESP_FSK/RTL_433toMQTT/Bresser-6in1/0/1146327701 msg: {"model":"Bresser-6in1","id":1146327701,"channel":0,"battery_ok":1,"temperature_C":19.7,"humidity":71,"sensor_type":1,"wind_max_m_s":0,"wind_avg_m_s":0,"wind_dir_deg":285,"uv":0,"startup":1,"flags":0,"mic":"CRC","protocol":"Bresser Weather Center 6-in-1, 7-in-1 indoor, soil, new 5-in-1, 3-in-1 wind gauge, Froggit WH6000, Ventus C8488A","rssi":-65,"duration":34996} `


Open a new topic, this one was solved and may not be the same causes.
Add into the post the logs when you have your issue. The logs shared does not show any issue.


I have successfully installed OMG 1.8.1 to a LoRa32 V2.1_1.6. It’s working great as lora gateway.
Uncomment line 73 inside platformio

and also change the pin inside config_LORA.h from 14 to 23

i also changed the TX_power from 14 to 17

Everything is working fine