I have loaded lilygo-rtl_433 to a Lilygo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 and it constantly reboots. It receives data and sends it to the MQTT broker, but resets after receiving most data, as well as selecting any item from the WebUI.
I have successfully loaded both lilygo-ble and lilygo-rtl_433-fsk with no rebooting. The ble software operates as expected, though I get no data when lilygo-rtl_433-fsk is loaded.
Strangely, if I change the frequency, even just a little while lilygo-rtl_433 is loaded, the rebooting stops, even if the frequency is changed to 433.0.
Same problem with a new Lilygo lora433 T3.v1.6.1.
With the stable FW lilygo-rtl_433, constants reboots.
I’ve uploaded the dev FW 5cb9bc, similar issues.
reboots every 85 sec, usually after a task overflow in task rtl_433_decoder has been detected. Less often with a guru meditation error, core 1 panic’ed.
Good evening, and thanks for the development and support!
I’m trying to get data from a Misol weather station, a WH/Fine offset clone.
Using FW 1.5, it works. I’m also getting data from my Oregon temperature sensors.
With FW 1.5 I also get a lot of additional data from the neighbourhood. The number of sensors seems unlikely (204), and quite a few sensors have inconsistent data (Accurite, Skylink, springfield-soil…) and are often only received once.