LILYGO T3S3 ESP32-S3 LoRa TTGO Development Board - chasing my tail!

I am going circles trying to get OMG installed on this board. I have tried various model selections from the web installer for lilygo and heltec via the Web installer and/or the Firmware installer as directed. The web installer never detects the board, BUT I have no problems installing Meshtastic and basic Lora32 firmware via the Meshtastic’s web installer or ESP32_Flash_installer and Arduino IDE. The Meshtastic runs fine with no apparent clichés, so I [assume] there is nothing wrong with the board itself???

The model of board is the Lilygo Lora32 868/915Mhz. T3S3 V1.2

ANY suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
Dave L.


This board has an sx1280, and there is no environment with this module.
One need to create a lora environment and maybe tune the configurations to have it supported.

Thank you for replying!
Maybe I misread or misunderstood the datasheet when ordering it, but according to the web page, it should have a SX1276 for the 915Mhz version.

You are correct, it can work.
Now the next step is to check the pinout of this new board versus the default pinout we have for LoRa module:

And if different define an environment like this one OpenMQTTGateway/environments.ini at c98ac731b40b534efead7f8678c1e73bc990e1cc · 1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway · GitHub

So, Copy the existing TTGO Lora profile, edit the physical pinouts, display resolutions and/or library differences, then recompile it?

You may have to edit the display pinout also

I feel I am building the proverbial mole hill mountain. Is there a OMG supported RTL_433 device that supports 915Mhz?

…Sorry, to clarify, 915Mhz OOK Protocol to receive WX, GAS, and water. I’m basically trying to get away from using the RTL-SDR.

Good to clarify, this a different story than LoRa (the topic category that should be changed)

Your best luck is to stick with the listed supported boards for OOK after having checked the devices supported by ESP RTL 433