LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 433 MHz + Oil Watchman

This seems to be working for me now.


default_envs = 


platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = ttgo-lora32-v21
; ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/.../pins_arduino.h
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
lib_deps =
build_flags =

; rtl_433_ESP flag 
  '-DONBOARD_LED=LED_BUILTIN'          ; Onboard LED is GPIO 25 on the Heltec Board
  '-DOOK_MODULATION=false'       ; False is FSK, True is OOK

; *** OpenMQTTGateway Config ***
;  '-UZmqttDiscovery'          ; disables MQTT Discovery
  '-DvalueAsATopic=true'    ; MQTT topic includes model and device
  '-DGateway_Name="OMG_ESP32_LILYGO"'  ; MQTT Client Name
; *** OpenMQTTGateway Modules ***
; *** ssd1306 Display Options ***
;   -DLOG_TO_OLED=true'         ; Enable log to OLED
;  '-DJSON_TO_OLED=true'
custom_description = For ESP32, Gateway using RTL_433_ESP and RadioLib @443.92MHz
custom_hardware = ESP32 LILYGO LoRa32 V2.1