LORA with ACK/Retry (Reliable reception)


Andreas Spiess did an interesting video here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXi5lgOuPNc](https://“Transaction Proof” Mailbox Notifier using an unknown E32 LoRa board and an ATTINY1614).

He used an E32 Serial-Lora module for simplicity of use with an ATTiny.

He made his own single purpose Lora-MQTT gateway based on a simple Sender-Retry-Until-ACK-received protocol to ensure reliable reception of messages.

I was wondering if OpenMQTTGateway can:

  1. Handle a simple ACK/Retry protocol?
  2. Work with Lora E32 modules (would you just use the RS232 option?)
  3. Or how hard would it be for a newbie to this project (but long term coder) to add a protocol to OpenMQTTGateway.

Without spending a lot of time reading through the code, I dared to come here just for a quick opinion from the experts as I’ve flicked through the docs.

I think the answers are: 1: No; 2: Yes; 3 - ???
But I can’t be sure…

Basically, just trying to work out if it would be better to roll my own or whether it’s a possible good fit for me to try to add this to OpenMQTTGateway?

Cheers :slight_smile:


Here are my answers:

To do it with LoRa you will have to implement it and propose a PR (it should not break existing implementations)

I think the point here is to find the appropriate driver for the chip inside the module SX1276/SX1278, which is the same as the one used with the TTGO board:

That we support already, so without having tested it I can’t confirm, but on a LoRa chip perspective it should work.

It depends if you are also a newbie with firmware development or not.

I think it could be interesting to add a LoRa ACK feature to the LoRa gateway: