M5Stack AtomS3U ESP32S3 Firmware support

To which decoder do you want to relay the BLE advertisements?

Our Theengs Gateway does automatically pick up and decode any raw BLE advertisment data forwarded by an OpenMQTTGateway BLE gateway when the extDecoderEnable option is set to true

I think it is the Bluetooth integration built into HA since that is what I used for my first BLE sensor and which the ESPhome BLE Proxies feed.

Where do I enable the extDecoderEnable option? I don’t see it in the OMG GUI or on the HA device page for the AtomS3U

This HA built in Bluetooth integration only works with the ESPhome BLE Proxies, not the undecoded external Decoder enabled OpenMQTTGateway.

To use the external Decoder enabled OpenMQTTGateway with HA you will need Theengs Gateway, also available as a HA Add-on

and also depending on your device being amongst the Theengs BLE compatible devices

but then the device should have already been correctly decoded with your current esp32s3-atomS3U installation.

Which remote device(s) are you actually trying to receive/relay?

You can set this to true in the Console section of the WebUI of your gateway, by entering

commands/MQTTtoBT/config {"extDecoderEnable":true}

and hitting ENTER.

Thanks for the explanation.

The BLE devices in question are LYWSD02MMC with pvvx, LYWSD03MMC, Switchbot WoSensorTH W2301500 (all of which are temperature and humidity) and Switchbot WoPresence Motion Detector

If the LYWSD02MMC is the same as our listed LYWSD02 and if the LYWSD03MMC is also flashed with the PVVX firmware all your devices should already be nicely discovered with the standard esp32s3-atomS3U gateway, without having to enable the extDecoderEnable option at all, and without requiring an extra Theengs Gateway (Add-on) installation.

All you would additionally need in HA is the MQTT integration and the Mosquitto MQTT Broker Add-on, then the gateway and all your discovered sensors will show up under the MQTT integration.

If you are already using MQTT in HA, have a look in the MQTT integration, otherwise you will need to set discovery to true again and initiate a gateway restart for any new discoveries, or easily, just web install the esp32s3-atomS3U web upload again as then the initial discoveries will automatically happen.

I do have the MQTT integration. I turned on “SYS: Auto Discovery” and restarted the gateway but no new entities. I was especially hopeful for the LYWSD02 since the others are already there through ESPhome Bluetooth Proxy

The logs show the following for this device:
N: Send on /BTtoMQTT/A4C1384F590B msg {“id”:“A4:C1:38:4F:59:0B”,“rssi”:-42}

They do show Switchbots, for example:
N: Send on /BTtoMQTT/C4F92675DF22 msg {“id”:“C4:F9:26:75:DF:22”,“rssi”:-64,“brand”:“SwitchBot”,“model”:“Meter (Plus)”,“model_id”:“THX1/W230150X”,“type”:“THB”,“tempc”:23.9,“tempf”:75.02,“hum”:54,“batt”:77}
N: Send on /BTtoMQTT/C50799594281 msg {“id”:“C5:07:99:59:42:81”,“rssi”:-73,“brand”:“SwitchBot”,“model”:“Motion Sensor”,“model_id”:“W110150X”,“type”:“CTMO”,“motion”:false,“led”:false,“scopetested”:false,“sensingdistance”:“long”,“lightlevel”:“dark”,“batt”:97}

Maybe it takes a while?

As stated above, I am not sure if the LYWSD02MMC is identical to our listed LYWSD02.

Turn on BT: Publish Advertisement data in the gateway settings and monitor the output for the LYWSD02MMC in MQTT Explorer or the log and paste a message sample here. It will then be expanded to the
message above.

If you have chosen to install the PVVX firmware with the PVVX protocol setting and not the BTHome protocol, it should be easy to additionally integrate it into our Theengs Decoder, so as to be available through the development web install within a day.

Once discovery is turned on and a gateway restart initiated there should be all your received devices with new entities under the MQTT integration.

For the LYWSD02MMC, I’m seeing:

N: Send on /BTtoMQTT/A4C1384F590B msg {“id”:“A4:C1:38:4F:59:0B”,“mac_type”:0,“adv_type”:0,“manufacturerdata”:“8f0310584225800b594f38c1a4”,“rssi”:-46,“servicedata”:“58584225810b594f38c1a4ac1d0d615200000f57e3d5”,“servicedatauuid”:“0xfe95”}

One more thing. For the device above, temperature and humidity have now shown up under Xiaomi integration!

And the LYWSD03MMC devices flashed with pvvx (mistakenly stated as LYWSD02MMC previously) have been configured to use BTHome format and are seen in the log in the form of:
N: Send on /BTtoMQTT/A4C1389CD199 msg {“id”:“A4:C1:38:9C:D1:99”,“mac_type”:0,“adv_type”:0,“name”:“ATC_9CD199”,“rssi”:-46,“servicedata”:“02001f2302d70803031d1602015a”,“servicedatauuid”:“0x181c”}

Sounds as if you’re all set then! :+1:

Is the AtomS3U now supported on the main branch?