M5Stack AtomS3U ESP32S3 Firmware support


I am wondering if there is OMG firmware that will support the M5Stack AtomS3U ESP32S3?

I have tried with this existing firmware “esp32s3-dev-c1-ble” and some of the other M5stack firmware, but it keeps failing during the initialize step.

Thank you.

Not for now, but could be added through a pull request.

Thanks it would be great if it could be added to OMG.
It does work with Tasmota however I don’t think that Tasmota supports Whitelist of bluetooth devices.

Are you willing to test a potential implementation?

Yes. I would be happy to help with testing.

Hi @1technophile
Wondering if an implementation of support for ESP32S3 boards is in the near future?



In progress here:

Do you have platformIO setup?

Great you are so awesome!

Yes, I have Platform IO.
All set ready to go.

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Feel free to try this PR in this case

Sorry I am new to Platform IO, how do I test this?

Download the branch and follow this tutorial:

You should see the board environment and be able to upload it

Thank you. The M5Stack AtomS3U is working well. Are there any tests you would like me to do?

I have a couple of questions:

  1. I do not see how to control the LED on/off and adjust colour. Is this possible to do by MQTT command? How?
  2. The ESPS3U is rebooting automatically approx every 24 hours around 4:30 am. What might cause this?
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Thanks for the feedback

Features that are board related and that should be checked:

  • trigger button, can you reset the board with a long press
  • RGB led, alternance between green and blue, blinking orange if no wifi or no mqtt

There are no special command to control the LED, if you want to disable it, you can comment the related definitions in the build.

The development branch has a watchdog that may trigger this reboot, you may test this branch also for stability sake:

I have completed some testing on the M5 Atom S3U device and here are the results, everything looks ok to me.

That’s great!

Thanks for such a detailed test execution

I’m a newbie to OMG (but familiar with Tasmota and ESPhome). Since this is a newly supported device, can I still use the web-install method?


Yes, you can still use the web install method, just choose this:

By an amazing coincidence, my AtomS3U was delivered this morning.

I get “Failed to initialize. Try resetting your device or holding the BOOT button while selecting your serial port” messages when I try to do a web-install

There are two buttons on it and I’ve tried both of them in turn as the BOOT button that I’m supposed to hold down to flash the unit but neither works

Try with the development branch please:

The installation appears to have been successful but the logs don’t show anything nor is the console responding. How do I enter WiFi and MQTT credentials?

Added: I figured out I had to power cycle the stick after which it broadcast its SSID and I was able to proceed from there!

All I want at this time is for it to relay BLE advertisements in the manner of my ESPhome BLE Proxy devices. What more do I have to enable on the HA device page for this?
