MiFlora doesn't report values

I don’t get the sensor states reported like here:

I have the right mac addresses of the miflora sensors because I already use a different gateway with a pi zero w, so I know they work.
I consider switching to OMG.

Those are two outputs I get, one with the name “Flower care” and one without.

{"id":"c4:***","name":"Flower care","rssi":-89,"distance":21.51847,"servicedata":"310298***cc40d","servicedatauuid":"0000fe95-0000-1000-8000-00***b"}
qos : 0, retain : false, cmd : publish, dup : false, topic : home/OpenMQTTGateway/BTtoMQTT/C4***, messageId : , length : 220, Raw payload : 1233410510034583499525855995856100585455585452585198344434110971091013458347010811111910111432999711410134443411411511510534584556574434100105115116971109910134585049465349565255443411510111411810599101100971169734583451494850575648489857519854525455561005599995248100344434115101114118105991011009711697117117105100345834484848481021015753454848484845494848484556484848454848564853102579851521029834125

qos : 0, retain : false, cmd : publish, dup : false, topic : home/OpenMQTTGateway/BTtoMQTT/C4***, messageId : , length : 198, Raw payload : 1233410510034583499525855995856100585455585452585198344434114115115105345845565644341001051151169711099101345849574655515053443411510111411810599101100971169734583451494850575648489857519854525455561005599995248100344434115101114118105991011009711697117117105100345834484848481021015753454848484845494848484556484848454848564853102579851521029834125

Scratched potential sensible data with ***


Did you wait a few minutes and checked the history of messages. The sensor values are not necessarily published with the rssi, id, etc but when they are exposed by the sensor. And when they are exposed OMG only publish the value given not the rssi, id, etc.

I see. I watched it for some minutes, but probably not long enough. Will try that again.


Side question: Will it be possible so send and receive IR with he ESP32 in future?
So IR, RF and BLE at the same time with the same board (ESP32)?

It should be possible in near future as a beta.

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@1technophile I would like to do something similar like what I already do with Koenkk’s zigbee2mqtt-Sticks (see link) with openmqttgateway, which is preparing and selling those devices flashed and with a nice 3d-printed case for users that don’t want to flash them theirselves.

This could/would push the the project to more people.

I already printed a first case.

I had to update my sensors to the newest firmware (v3.1.9) version. I missed that in the docs.

Now it works, thanks.

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