MJWSD05MMC Xiaomi BLE Temp & Hum device integration

Hi all,

I have setup a OMG BLE gateway and now trying to integrate a Xiaomi temperature & humidity device I just bought from Aliexpress.
The device is MJWSD05MMC ( www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005098731907.html)

The device does appear in MQTT explorer but it is not advertising temp & humidity, I just see this:


I understand it is advertising encrypted data so I tried to use Telink flasher without success:

Telink Flasher ==> this one would not connect at all to my device
Telink Flasher v5.9 ==> this one does connect but I cannot flash my device.
Activating now, please wait… and then nothing happens

I do not have any BLE compatible xiaomi gateway but I did then connect the device to Mi Home on my iphone and then use GitHub - PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor: This tool/script retrieves tokens for all devices connected to Xiaomi cloud and encryption keys for BLE devices. to extract the token. It does work but it is not helping me as I can’t do anything else with the token.

Should I just consider this device is not yet supported and I can’t do anything at the moment?

Please also note that by powering down my OMG BLE gateway the device is discovered by Home Assistant (through Bluetooth integration of my Raspberry Pi 4) but here again it does not display any info (temp & hum).

Thanks for your help

I could finally flash it with Telink Flasher v5.9

In fact this is described on the github page: on this device you need to click the down button before making the BLE connection with the Chrome page.
Now I will see how if it is advertising all useful data in OMG


I have set BTHome advertisement in the Telink flasher tool but MQTT explorer does not show Temp & Hum data.
However this has triggered BTHome and Xiaomi BLE integrations in HA and there I can see those values.

Any idea why it is not showing up in OMG ?

FYI in HA I have set BT: Publish Advertisement data to active and now in MQTT Explorer I see:


servicedata has been added but I still cannot see temp & hum data

I have removed the Xiaomi BLE & BThome integrations from HA and changed the advertising from BThome v1 to Custom pvvx and now it looks ok:

“id”: “A4:C1:38:DF:DE:2F”,
“mac_type”: 0,
“adv_type”: 0,
“name”: “BTH_DFDE2F”,
“rssi”: -31,
“servicedata”: “2fdedf38c1a47c090d11350c644b05”,
“servicedatauuid”: “0x181a”,
“brand”: “Xiaomi”,
“model”: “LYWSD03MMC”,
“model_id”: “LYWSD03MMC_PVVX”,
“type”: “THB”,
“tempc”: 24.28,
“tempf”: 75.704,
“hum”: 43.65,
“batt”: 100,
“volt”: 3.125



I’m trying to connect my MJWSD05MMC with Telink Flasher v7.0 like you do.
I get the same trouble as you : Activating Now … and nothing happend. I try like you to reset it by the bottom button nothing change. For information I never link it to Xiaomi home (not possible in France). Do you have any idea to do something else ?

Thank you

i had no problem flashing my xiaomi sensors. using chrome browser on my smartphone was easier than trying it on pc with bluetooth dongle.
but i moved on from ble firmware to zigbee firmware → big improvement in my eyes :wink:

I signed up here just to say a Big THANKS for the hint:
Shortly pressing the down side button just before Pairing did the trick with the Activation.

@ tiFabGrinch - you might try again until you succeed.


Hey Mate,
mine still failed.
i can get connected with Temp: 23.7°C, Humi: 45%, 2941 mV
but the only thing i can see is the Device known id
Mi Token and Mi Bind Key are null
needs help