Mqtt parameters not saved from the web interface


For a specific need and context I need to set a fixed IP directly on my esp32. To do this, I use a custom image and I slightly modified the environments.ini file. Everything seems to be going well, however when I try after installation to modify the mqtt parameters the modifications do not apply.

platform = ${com.esp32_platform}
board = esp32dev
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
lib_deps =
build_flags =

After several tests and research (I tried another method using User_config.h but also unsuccessful) I think that the phenomenon is caused by the “ESPWifiManualSetup” parameter which is, I think, essential to my config.

Do you have any advice or suggestions that could help me resolve this problem? Thank you so much :slight_smile:


When using this parameters all the network settings are defined at buildtime. This is why you can’t change them.

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Ok, thank you for this clarification :slight_smile: