Multigeiger - the ESP32 Geiger counter

The Multigeiger the ESP32 Geiger counter have Bluetooth BLE Output.

Details of the BLE data sent here Usage — MultiGeiger V1.17.0-dev documentation

Website Multigeiger

Welcome @tranquilizer

Could you provide some sample advertising data the Multigeiger broadcasts, by setting Advertisement and Advanced Data to true and monitoring the broadcasts through MQTT Explorer?

But it looks as if the values can only be received via connection - something currently not possible with Theengs Decoder and the gateway project using it.

I have created an MQTT server with port 1884 at IOBroker. I entered this data in the ESP MQTT gateway. With the MQTT Explorer, which does not run under Windows 7, an extra Windows 10 connected me to the MQTT server via Virtualbox. I see all sorts of things, including Home and OpenMQTTGateway (which I previously renamed from OMG_ESP32_BLE in the ESP). I can see several BLE devices, including the multigeiger. Under Publish I copy the command and press Publish and nothing actually happens. Neither in the console of the ESP nor in the MQTT Explorer. The IOBroker Log write “warn Topic name is too long: mqtt.0.mosquitto_pub_-t_home.OpenMQTTGateway.commands.MQTTtoBT.config_-m_‘{“pubadvdata”:false}’…”

I have no idea. I feel like a grandfather who can’t get into the email programme because the double-click doesn’t work. You are probably right and it will not work with the BLE OpenMQTTGateway. I will see if I can somehow install an MQTT client directly in the Multigeiger software

Make sure to only enter the topic as appropriate into the Publish topic field, i .e.


and select JSON as the format, to enter this as the payload


and make sure that the retain checkbox is not ticked and hit Publish.

Then, after a sucessful command, you should see the changed "pubadvdata":true in your gateway’s BTtoMQTT settings JSON. Your Multigeiger MQTT messages will then also have the addiyipnal undecoded manufacturerdata and/or servicedata, to see if there is any decodable data contained within them.

OK, new attempt this time with Mosquito Broker on Docker. The command was sent without any problems and I can see the changed device outputs.

A few devices appear such as a Tile and Gigaset Keeper key fob with servicedata and manufacturerdata. The Mac address of the multigeiger only shows the name and the RSSI values.

Thank you for your patience and assistance.

If the message history only ever shows the name and the RSSI for all messages and none with servicedata or manufacturerdata then yes, unfortunately the multigeiger won’t currently be decodable with Theengs Decoder.