No option for 923Mhz ttgo-lora32-v21. Build fails from

very new user been struggling for several days to transmit from a T-Beam using Lora to a TTGO and hoping to get some help.

I previously noted that we were recommended to trye the -fsk library and tried that which did not work.

I have been able to connect the T-Beam and TTGO using standard Lora send/receive.

I tried using the latest Github in platformio but ran into several problems - JsonObject was undefined on line 32 in config_LORA.h, byte was undefined on line 108 (possibly incorrect import order for libraries), no cmake.txt file and unable to set the correct port for USB (COM3 in my case).

I reverted back to trying the web installer UI - which only gave me the option for 915Mhz - which I have tried.

I have noted in other discussions that there is no intention in supplying code for transmit - which I understand however there is some discussion of it in the RF section of the guide.

I am trying to simply send anything to the mqtt gateway and will use that for GPS data in homeassistant, but do not want to incorporate it there yet.

Any help in understanding where I have gone wrong, or how to set up the transmit data from the sender would be appreciated. I have included the 0x12 start key, but am unsure if the json structure MUST be set, or if the MAC key needs to be there, or if we need the REST api prefix such as home/gateway/RFtoMQTT {“id”:AABB,"msg:“hello world”}

Nothing comes through at all.

ONe final note I would have assumed that we could send calls from the webui console which would be seen on the MQTT explorer but unable to do this - is there an example of how this should be structured?