NodeMCU + RFM69 - witch env module in platformio.ini?

Hi there all,
I just try to make work a NodeMCU module with a RFM69HC

I use this page step by step and put all pin from RFM module to the NodeMCU.

First of all I want to ask which is the path of the folder
where I must remove the RFM69_OTA.cpp and RFM69_OTA.h files.

Then I must uncomment in user_config the

#define ZgatewayRFM69

Now I just want to ask… in the platformio.ini witch env I must uncomment
in order to build all please ?

Thanks all


note that the current implementation with RFM69 support only other devices with RFM69.

There is no particular env defined for this you may take env:nodemcuv2-all-test and remove all the libraries and modules not related to RFM69.

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Great… thanks a lot