Noob question - April Brother Gateway

Hi there, need to setup my first OpenMQTT gateway. I have an existing April Brother gateway I have been using with their own firmware.

Has anyone flashed one of these with OpenMQTT in the past?

Any hints, issues I need to be aware off?

Hi !

Do you know if the usb connection enables a serial port ?
If yes it could be easily flashed. If no you would need to open it and share photo so that we see where you can connect an FTDI.

There is indeed a serial port to use with a classic USB ESP programmer (mine has a corresponding pin header)
April Brother Wiki (

Which firmware would you recommend to use? I have one with ESP-WROOM-32E + Ethernet

This gateway is not going to work with OMG due to the use of this:

  • Bluetooth Smart( BLE) is based on NRF52832

OMG rely on the ESP32 BLE and doesn’t support NRF52832

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