OMG 1.8.0 no longer gets BM2 messages

Hi, I was using OMG 1.7.0 since one year, first on an ESP32-WROOM-32U, then on a DevKitC V4 (with ext antenna), getting from 2 devices installed on my two cars, then decided to upgrade, so as the gihub OTA is no longer valid I had to do it with 1st method - Upload from the Web, hopefully there is very few to reconfigure (wifi, hostname,…)
But the issue is that it no longer gets from the two BM2 broadcasting, it does not even find the devices, nothing with their MACADDRESS on Console or MQTT explorer.
Heres my config (from Console):
N: SYS json: {“uptime”:34684,“version”:“v1.8.0”,“mqtt”:true,“serial”:false,“disc”:false,“ohdisc”:false,“env”:“esp32dev-ble”,“freemem”:86920,“mqttp”:“1883”,“mqtts”:false,“mqttv”:false,“msgprc”:1640,“msgblck”:0,“msgrcv”:1640,“maxq”:28,“cnt_index”:0,“minmem”:33388,“tempc”:45.56,“freestck”:2184,“powermode”:-1,“eth”:false,“rssi”:-72,“SSID”:“JBE_MAIN”,“BSSID”:“C0:3C:04:B1:1D:58”,“ip”:“”,“mac”:“24:DC:C3:CF:E7:B0”,“modules”:“‘WebUI’, ‘BT’”,“origin”:“/SYStoMQTT”}
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_ESP32_BLE_ANT/SYStoMQTT msg: {“uptime”:34684,“version”:“v1.8.0”,“mqtt”:true,“serial”:false,“disc”:false,“ohdisc”:false,“env”:“esp32dev-ble”,“freemem”:86920,“mqttp”:“1883”,“mqtts”:false,“mqttv”:false,“msgprc”:1640,“msgblck”:0,“msgrcv”:1640,“maxq”:28,“cnt_index”:0,“minmem”:33388,“tempc”:45.56,“freestck”:2184,“powermode”:-1,“eth”:false,“rssi”:-72,“SSID”:“JBE_MAIN”,“BSSID”:“C0:3C:04:B1:1D:58”,“ip”:“”,“mac”:“24:DC:C3:CF:E7:B0”,“modules”:[“WebUI”,“BT”]}
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_ESP32_BLE_ANT/BTtoMQTT msg: {“bleconnect”:true,“interval”:10000,“adaptivescan”:false,“intervalacts”:10000,“intervalcnct”:1800000,“scanduration”:10000,“hasspresence”:false,“prestopic”:“presence/”,“presuseuuid”:false,“minrssi”:-100,“extDecoderEnable”:false,“extDecoderTopic”:“undecoded”,“pubuuid4topic”:false,“ignoreWBlist”:false,“forcepscn”:false,“tskstck”:616,“crstck”:3004,“enabled”:true,“scnct”:1626,“onlysensors”:false,“randommacs”:false,“filterConnectable”:false,“pubadvdata”:true,“presenceawaytimer”:180000,“movingtimer”:60000}
N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_ESP32_BLE_ANT/WebUItoMQTT msg: {“displayMetric”:true,“webUISecure”:true,“displayQueue”:0}

Certainly need to tune this config. Thanks for your help.

Similarly to the other thread, could you

set “pubadvdata” to true, to see which raw BLE data the devices are sending, which in your case seems to not be shown decoded, even tough at least two (C4:7C:… in the messages list, and D5:F7… in the internal device tracker sync) are correctly recognised and marked as device trackers by the decoder.

How did you install the esp32dev-ble binary, and did you erase the flash before the install? In any case I would ask you to reinstall the binary with the erase flash option on, just in case.

And please post any future code snippets in code fences, with the Reformatted text toolbar icon at the top of your edit field, thanks :slight_smile:

Hi DigiH, thanks for reply, well I’ve two apps on my phone and tried the other one called Ultimate BM, connected to each of the BM2 devices then closed the app, made another “BT: Force scan” and the devices restarted broadcasting

N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_ESP32_BLE_ANT/BTtoMQTT/94A9A8427F22 msg: {"model":"BM2 Battery Monitor","id":"94:A9:A8:42:7F:22","volt":12.75,"rssi":-60} 

N: [ OMG->MQTT ] topic: home/OMG_ESP32_BLE_ANT/BTtoMQTT/50547B80C976 msg: {"model":"BM2 Battery Monitor","id":"50:54:7B:80:C9:76","volt":12.38,"rssi":-60} 

Problem solved :smiley:

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