OMG not Decoding BlueCharm BC04P KSensor

Hi, I just installed OMG via the web installer using the esp32-lolin32lite-ble image. I believe to have it configured appropriately and see beacon data through mqtt explorer. I am trying to view the voltage of my Blue Charm BC04P beacons that I configured with KSensor per your instructions. Next steps would be for me to add this configuration to Home Assistant.

here is what is showing up

“id”: “DD:34:02:0B:17:E4”,
“mac_type”: 1,
“adv_type”: 0,
“name”: “BCPro_203246”,
“rssi”: -42,
“servicedata”: “21000b0bea15400004fff4fffc”,
“servicedatauuid”: “0xfeaa”
“servicedata”: “690100000000”,
“servicedatauuid”: “0x2080”

I was expecting additional fields that would contain temperature, acceleration x/y/z-axis, voltage.

I see that information broadcast if I open the KBeacon app on my phone so I am assuming the beacon is acting appropriately.

Did I miss something that needs to be configured? I am open to test any ideas.

I appreciate any feedback.

Hi @joeyfastbike

Yes, there seem to be a slight difference in your servicedata which makes Theengs Decoder not recognise it as a BlueCharm beacon. Likely due to some newer firmware or possible some setting of the beacon through its app.

I will submit a fix for this amended servicedata, which should be available in the development version of OpenMQTTGAteway in the next days. You should then see the following for your above sample data

  "brand": "BlueCharm",
  "model": "Beacon 08/04P/021",
  "model_id": "KSensor",
  "type": "ACEL",
  "track": true,
  "tempc": 21.25,
  "tempf": 70.25,
  "accx": 4,
  "accy": -12,
  "accz": -4,
  "volt": 3.05


Can you create your own build with PlatformIO? Then you could immediately test out the fix.

Thanks for the quick reply, Interesting, I will try to follow the instructions for installing via PlatformIO and report back.

When you do install via PlatformIO make sure you to change the line

decoder =


decoder =

in platformio.ini so that you get the amended BC04P decoder to test.

I appreciate your help and am happy to report its working.

“id”: “DD:34:02:0B:17:E4”,
“name”: “BCPro_203246”,
“rssi”: -59,
“brand”: “BlueCharm”,
“model”: “Beacon 08/04P/021”,
“model_id”: “KSensor”,
“type”: “ACEL”,
“tempc”: 19.25,
“tempf”: 66.65,
“accx”: 8,
“accy”: -12,
“accz”: -40,
“volt”: 3.05
“rssi”: -59

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