Bridge rtl-433 to custom Mqtt then Meshtastic Network and send the rtl-433 Data as a Message to Meshtastic nodes worked fine. // Openmqtt i use to receive data, and Meshtastic i use to transport the received data.
You would like to do:
433Mhz device --433–>OMG–LoRa Meshtastic ?
I would rather advise to get the LoRaWAN Network Server data into another broker to avoid mixing non LoRaWAN sensors with LoRaWAN sensors on the LNS.
You could do that if you bridge a broker with the broker of your LNS
Connect like 6-7 Meshtastic nodes and than serial input some rtl 433 openmqttt received datas
im working now on some nixi style displays (webflash and wifimanager )and plan to show also temperature and other datas in this style
The next release will have the capability to send structured json to SERIAL, BTtoSERIAL, RTL_433toSERIAL, but I don’t think the format will be compatible with meshtastic serial.
Do you know what format they expect ?