OpenMQTTGateway and 868 MHz devices (e.g. Weatherstation?)

flash rtl_433 fsk set the frequency to 868.35 Mhz then ws80 and Bresser 6-1 should show up…

for the Meshtastic serial settings (TTGO ,RAK Boards) i have all the infos on discord

thank you, let me post my config to be sure I properly did what you suggested


I’ve uploaded 1.7.1 “fsk” on my lilygo T3 and I’m not getting any sensors.

Although you say “set the frequency to 868.35 MHz” which was simple enought but “then ws80”, is there some step for this because I can’t see anything?

HI, I have the same behavior. the frequency is set to 868.35 but no data at all

I think ws80 is a sensor not a configuration parameter.
In other words: "flash rtl_433 fsk. Set the frequency to 868.35 Mhz.
After that ws80 sensor and Bresser 6-1 wether station should show up…

I’m having the same issue on my Lilygo TTGO LoRa32 Board. I have the paxcounter 868Mhz version and searching for Bresser 5 in 1 wether data.
I have flashed via web-flash “lilygo-rtl_433-fsk” and set RF to 868,350MHz but no data. Line of sight aprox. 80m.
Anyone here what i’m missing?

Hi, I found this

Could be that’s the reason?

I have the same board to receive data from my Bresser 5 in 1. The frequency is set to 868.300 (dont know if the dot is significant) The distance between receiver and Bresser is 12 meters, but i also receive data from a distant neigbour. Hope this will help.

I also use a Lilygo TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 868mhz Board. And want to receive data from my WS80 sensor 868mhz (and other sensors on the same band). Been testing and configuring for months now, cant get it to work. As soon as i config FSK noting is received anymore. Haven’t received/decoded a single FSK signal in all that time. I looked at debug logs so long that i should have found the issue just by being lucky. Only thing i recall was an entry about a partition not found, but don’t think that is related to anything on the FSK side of receiving.

Recently i ordered another Lilygo TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 Board (this time 433mhz) to flash it from the webUI with pre compiled FSK version. So noting to config except credentials, and hope to see if FSK works on the more busy 433mhz band. (Not much to F-up, unless there is a bug that involves characters and length of passwords/gateway/ssid’s.) Conclusion, also no single FSK reception/decoding. To be sure i hooked up my outdoor tv antenna and still noting. After that i basically gave up, as I’m out of ideas. Hope a more talented user is able to find the issuet.

And just to add, if i config regular (non fsk) i get flooded with received/decoded devices, On FSK config zero… ;(

No Way!
Just used the recent Dev version and adjusted the freq to 868.35 and it works!

My *.evt was previous set to 868.30 & 868.50, so its clear its extremely sensitive when it comes to the correct freq. (Strangely the receiving freq of the WS80 was 868.50 when i tested it on a receiver.)
Someone needs to add a thick fat note to in the wiki/doc and example files. This made my day, thank you all!

Next is the TTGO LoRa32 to get working with 433mhz FSK.

Currently able to receive the below 868mhz sensors now. :



@bybit_max can you help me to follow your test? how did you uploaded the DEV build?
did you configured the freq like that?



i’m trying to get data from the WS90

Hi @bremby

The lilygo-rtl_433-fsk development build can be web uploaded at

Then you can set the frequency to 868.35 MHz in the WebUI with the active library remaining RTL_433.

@bremby The WS90 is not yet on the list of supported devices : GitHub - NorthernMan54/rtl_433_ESP: Trial port of the rtl_433 Library for use with OpenMQTTGateway on a ESP32 and a CC1101 Transceiver
So that could also be the problem? Do you have any other WS/H sensor to test with?

My Lilygo TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 868mhz board is really working great with FSK now.
Picking up all my FineOffset sensors, and also some neighboring weather stations like WH65B. Next is to build a 868mhz antenna for some more range. :wink:

The 433mhz lilygo board is also working now with fsk. Discovered i couldn’t change the freq for some reason, so did an erase of the board and full cleanup in PlatformIO, after that (and a long wait) it started working on 433.92mhz. But till now only getting TPMS signals and noting really usefully. There are also far less (about 10x) fsk signals than OOK signals. So need to do some research if there is a better freq for fsk signals.

Thank you , probably I’m anticipating the time Fine Offset Electronics WS90 weather station support · Issue #111 · NorthernMan54/rtl_433_ESP · GitHub

i have sold windstations to this boats. if i take a TTGO with rtl_433 there would be a GPS tracking or is it possible to load rtl_433 on a TTGO with gps? The Boats are for Kite Safaris most based on 4 island on the red sea. My plan was to work with Meshtastic serial but now all the Yachts installed Starlink so no more problems to transmit the datas😀

Nice one, it should be possible as long as it uses an SX127X.
You would need to add a GPS module to OMG also