OpenMQTTGateway v1.7.0

OpenMQTTGateway v1.7.0

What’s Changed

1 - New product We released the Theengs Bridge, an ESP32 based BLE gateway with an external antenna and an Ethernet RJ45 port. If you want to extend the range of your BLE network, the Theengs Bridge will help you reach further sensors than traditional embedded antennas. We used this opportunity to improve the support of Ethernet boards. You can onboard them through the WiFi portal and use Ethernet with WiFi as a backup network. With this evolution, there is no need to put your hands on a development environment or a configuration file!


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2 - More RF devices supported OOTB Our users requested to decode RTL_433 FSK ( FSK is a radio frequency modulation) without building the environment. We now have Lilygo and Heltec environments supporting FSK (beta) from the web upload. And cherry on the cake, you can change the frequency directly from the WebUI. But that’s not all. Users with a CC1101 will be pleased to see that they can change the frequency of their devices and the library they use from the WebUI!


3 - More BLE devices supported Over 90 BLE devices are now supported by OpenMQTTGateway and Theengs; look at this impressive devices list!

4 - DIY :hammer_and_wrench: One of my favorite radio communication is LoRa. We added the capability to change the frequency, numerous parameters from the WebUI, and a new ESP32 temperature sender example #1742 . A great way to play with the protocol and build your nodes.


5 - Stability :weight_lifting_man:BLE is not forgotten with a new, more stable controller. We also added a central queueing mechanism.

6 - User experience We simplified password management; now, you will have only one password for the WebUI, OTA, and WiFi portal connection. This password is defined during WiFi portal onboarding and is compulsory. If you upgrade from a previous version, the default password for the WebUI, the onboarding, and OTA will be OTAPASSWORD.
I invite you strongly to change it in the WebUI (Configure Gateway).
Also, at the first connection, the WiFi portal no longer needs a password (bye-bye :wave: “your_password”).

7 - Integration Finally, @DigiH improved the discovery experience by tuning the Home Assistant MQTT discovery integration.

Theengs Plug

You can now change the brightness of the Theengs Plug LED with a slider. Suppose you use the plug in your bedroom; for example, you can program the LED to be OFF at night.
The BLE gateway can be deactivated if you want to use it solely as a smart plug.

New BLE devices

Devices Model Measurements
April Brother N07 temperature/humidity/battery/packet ID
BM6 Battery Monitor BM6 battery
GOVEE H5100 temperature/humidity/battery
GOVEE H5104 temperature/humidity/battery
GOVEE H5179 temperature/humidity/battery
INKBIRD IBS-TH12S temperature/humidity/battery
NUT NUTALE tracker
Oral B Toothbrush state, mode, sector, pressure, time
Lippert BottleCheck temperature/level/sync status/voltage/battery/reading quality/acceleration x/y-axis
ShellyBlu Button1 button press type/battery/packet ID
ShellyBlu Door/Window contact/rotation/battery/packet ID
ShellyBlu Motion motion, illuminance, battery, packet ID
ThermoPro TP357s temperature/humidity
  • Support for PVVX encryption
  • Add mac extraction from data
  • Add new devices as presence trackers

Board support

New features

Breaking changes



Will be removed in the next version

  • SimplePublishing MQTT API
  • Support for Arduino UNO, NANO, MEGA
  • Support of Arduino IDE as a development environment

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.0…v1.7.0

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Great update! Decided to do a fresh install and went to the portal to configure my device. Attempting to login to the webportal and unsure of what the login is. Password I set during the configuration and know that.

Any thoughts what the username could be?

The WebUI login is admin

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Worked perfectly, thank you! Not sure how I didn’t try that one. Thank you @1technophile !

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thanks for the update, went seamlessly.
looking forward to a perfect RTL433 gateway with device blacklist to come :wink:

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Thank you for the update. Installed really easy with a ESP32 and CC1101. (Multi receiver).

Great news is that I can now see my Yale PIR sensors being detected in the console which is brilliant. This is a request I had submitted so many thanks for including this library.

As I move around the house the various Yale PIR’s are appearing in the console logs. Example

N: Send on /RTL_433toMQTT/Yale-HSA/64399 msg {"model":"Yale-HSA","id":64399,"stype":3,"state":48,"event":1,"mic":"CHECKSUM","protocol":"Yale HSA (Home Security Alarm), YES-Alarmkit","rssi":-76,"duration":1638996}

I can see them appearing in my Home Assistant but need to read up now how I can make use of them under an Alarmo integration. Holiday project!

Thanks again.


Thanks for the release!

Is there any way to change from rtl_433 to rtl_433-fsk?
I accidentally updated a (remote) device from 1.6 with fsk enabled. I tried modifying the OTA url to, but I’m not sure it worked.

You should see the environment used into the SYStoMQTT topic payload.

You can update with the following methods:

I think it worked, but, the environment stays at “lilygo-rtl_433”, so not 100% sure yet. The sensor I log only transmits every few hours…

Hmmm. Should the SYStoMQTT topic say something about FSK? I’ve today re-flashed directly from the webpage but I think it is still using OOK - is definitely the correct firmware?

oop pls ignore - the env definitely has fsk in it…

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I have a Lilygo LoRa 433 board with OMG lilygo-rtl_433 and a Heltec ESP32 LoRa board with OMG heltec-wifi-lora-32, working perfectly with version 1.6.0. I have updated both boards to version 1.7.0 and both boards are constantly rebooting when they receive data. I have reverted to version 1.6.0 and it works perfectly. Any help?

Try the development version please and let me know if better for you:

lilygo-rtl_433 version “f2d323”, works fine but heltec-wifi-lora-32 version “f2d323” reboot when messages arrive