Oregon Scientific WMR500 Weather Station

I have an Oregon scieintifc WMR500 weather station that I am trying to get working with OMG using a LilyGo LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 board.

I have built the board using the web installer and the rtl_433 library, connected it to my network and local mqtt controller. I have set the frequncy to ‘mhz 868.3’ to match the local network bands in the UK, I am receiving SYStoMQTT messgage in MQTT and can even occasionally see an ‘Interlogix Security’ device (not one of my devices) - but I am not seeing anything from my weather station?!?!?

In MQTT I can see the following in RTL_433toMQTT

{“model”:“status”,“protocol”:“rtl_433_ESP status message”,“modulation”:“OOK”,“RTLRssi”:-100,“RTLAVGRssi”:-104,“RTLRssiThresh”:-95,“signalRssi”:-94,“RTLOOKThresh”:15,“train”:0,“RTLCnt”:175,“totalSignals”:51,“signalRatio”:0,“ignoredSignals”:50,“unparsedSignals”:1,“StackHWM”:3132,“RTL_HWM”:480,“DCD_HWM”:2176,“freeMem”:115616,“_enabledReceiver”:1,“receiveMode”:0}

I can see that the total signals are 51, ignored signals 50 and 1 unparsed and the stats are increasing.

My working assumption is the ignored signals are the weather station but are not being processed for some reason.

To the limit of my knowledge I understand that OMG supports Oregon Scientific devices via the RTL_433 library that use OOK. I can’t 100% establish that the WMR does not use OOK but it’s talked about in a lot of documents that I have uncovered on this forum and elsewhere.

My thinking this should just work out of the box.

However I have some doubts in my mind that I may not have built the gateway using all the correct libraries to make this work.

Can anyone provide any pointers or guidance to help understand if

  1. the WMR will work with OMG ?
  2. if so, how would I go about troubleshooting why I am not seeing the WMR ?


I don’t see it in the list of compatible devices of rtl 433 and there is an open issue in the rtl 433 repository

So not supported for the moment

Urgmhhhh right that sorts that problem out then - thank you for the swift response!!

I had assumed, wrongly that this would work with the generic device type 71 Oregon scientific weather sensor and missed the open issue in the rtl library - back to the drawing board trying to figure out another way of connecting this to home assistant.

Feel free to jump into the issue and give some data.

what would be the best way to do that just ask the rtl guys what info they would require and how to capture?

You could try to follow his request and share your data:

The more data they have and the more people interested, the more likely the issue has chance to be addressed

Will do and thanks :+1:

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