I would love to be able to create a portable configuration as suggested in the documentation, but I am not able to build using the file I have created.
Could someone please help me format it properly?
I tried my best to follow the directions, but I cannot seem to get it right (I get stuck at ‘building’, perpetual pinwheel.).
Any help would be greatly appreciated in understanding the way this configuration should be made.
I have a heltec board:
and would like to enable the following features:
Here is my my_prod_env.ini:
default_envs = heltec-wifi-lora-32-915-ota
extends = env:heltec-wifi-lora-32-915
lib_deps =
; ${com-esp.lib_deps}
${env.lib_deps} ; Inherit all the library dependencies from [env]
${libraries.wifimanager32} ; Add another library dependency on top of them
build_flags =
; ${com-esp.build_flags}
${env.build_flags} ; Inherit all the build flags from [env]
'-DZgatewayLORA="LORA"' ; Add some of our own build flags
extends = env:nodemcuv2-pilight-bme280
upload_protocol = espota
upload_port = OpenMQTTGateway.local
upload_flags =
Thanks in advance!