Hi all, First time poster here!
I’ve got a Rpi 5 running a TheengsGateway container. I’m trying to optimize the traffic being sent to my MQTT server and would like to use the whitelist configuration, but I don’t see it explicitly called out in the documentation for docker run commands or compose.yaml.
not a docker pro, but I’m learning, I’ve managed to find the theengsgw.conf file in the container. I’m going to try to copy it out to my host, modify it to include my whitelist and then move it back into it’s place in the container. Wish me luck!
I’m no Docker pro either, but I don’t think your hack will work, as it looks as if the last Docker version of Theengs Gateway is based on version 1.4, before the white- and black-list implementation was introduced with version 1.5. So even if you add the white-list details appropriately into theengsgw.conf, the code to handle it won’t be there.
As I’m not involved in the Docker creation at al, I do not know when this might get updated, even if it is long overdue