Question on theengs decoder

I’ve read on the OpenMQTTGateway site about Theengs Decoder and that there are about 90 devices compatible with Theengs Decoder that supports its decoding.
At them same time I’ve learned that OpenMQTTGateway can read characteristcs value issuing a mosquitto_pub command
The question is: Theengs decoder is the same of OpenMQTTGateway or, at least with certified device, can read characteristic’s values in a different (and more easy) and continuous way?

Hi @m4biz

Theengs Decoder is the library which OpenMQTTGateway uses to decode freely broadcast Bluetooth advertisement data, without any connections.

As not all Bluetooth devices advertise all or some of their data in this way, OpenMQTTGateway has the additional capability to also read (and write) Service/Chars of devices. This requires a connection